You Understand, Right?

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Part 1

The thing about the Winchester family was that they collect family like one would collect dolls. They have a lot of family around the State, any of them willing to do anything for the brothers. They always had a saying.

Family doesn't end in blood.

Except it does. They can say it as many times as they want, but there isn't anything they wouldn't do for the family. Their blood family.

You were 4 when you were collected by John, and shipped off to Bobby's. You were basically raised alongside the brothers from then on. Sam being a year older than you, and his brother, Dean, being 5 years older than you.

You were 5 when Dean ran out of breakfast. Bobby, and John were gone on a hunt, leaving 10 year-old Dean in charge. There was half a single granola bar left, and he looked uneasily between you and Sam, both of you had complained about being hungry. He gave you a strange look, and even though you were 5, you knew what it meant. Afterall, John gave you the same look when he told you why you can't come home to your parents. It was also the same look that Bobby gave you when you asked about your parents. The look of guilt. You turned away, not being able to handle the fact that his decision had already been made when he was 4, and the responsibility of Sam's livelihood was thrusted into his hands.

"Not hungry," you mumbled, despite your roaring stomach. Sam's eyes lit up with glee as he snatched the snack from his brother's hand, and you can see Dean's face visibly relax.

"Sammy's my responsibility. You understand, right?" Dean asked, a hopeful smile on his face.

You gave him a nod, hopping off the chair, and went back to your bed, hoping you can sleep away the hunger.

You were 7 years-old, and participating in your first play. Sure, it was a childish play, but you were so excited to be a part of something normal. Even though you knew John and Bobby wouldn't make it, Dean had promised that he would be there. When the moment came, and you were on stage, you quickly scanned the crowd. Your face falling when you didn't see a pair of familiar green eyes. This happened every time you were on stage, making you miss your cues. After the show, you weaved through the crowd, hoping to see a familiar face. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw Dean. Excitedly, you ran towards him, slowing down when you saw his arms wrapped around Sam's shoulder. The little Winchester had a trophy in his hand.

"Hey, Y/N! Guess who the winner of the school spelling bee is?!" Sam said proudly, extending his trophy towards you.

"Congrats, Sam!" You forced a smile, ignoring the feeling of your heart cracking under the pressure of the dam that you built around it.

"I'm gonna go say hi to my friends," Sam quickly said before running off.

It was then that Dean noticed your outfit for the first time. "Shit! Your play was today, right?"


"Sorry, Y/N. I was really excited for Sam's first spelling bee. He doesn't get to do these kind of things often. And there's always next year's play- you understand, right?"

You nodded, not trusting your voice to crack if you had made a verbal response.

You were 11 years-old when you had your first piano recital. Your music teacher was so proud at your progress that she had insisted you play a solo piece in their concert. You stayed behind in school because you didn't want to bother Dean by having him pick you up, and drop you off again. As you were getting on stage, you looked for any familiar faces. Both brothers having promised to be there this time. However, you couldn't find them. With a disappointed frown, you got on the seat of the piano, beginning to play the piece you've been practicing for months. After the concert you tried calling Dean, but he never picked up. It was getting late, and almost everyone was going home. Your music teacher finally took pity on you, and said she would drive you to your house. You gave her the direction of the motel you were staying at, thanking her before going in. On your way to the motel, you made sure to have given her an excuse about a flooding at your house, and having to relocate temporarily to a motel. She seemed to believe it, and sent you on your merry way. John was on another hunt, and Bobby was helping a friend two towns over, leaving the three of you to stay at a motel. As you made your way inside, you could hear laughter in the living room. Going to the source of the sound, you saw Sam cuddled up under a blanket, leaning on the teenage Dean.

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