You Understand, Right?

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Part 8 - Unconvinced

As Castiel predicted, it took a while for him to track the vampire, even with Dean and Sam doing their best to contact anyone they know who could help. They had almost the entire hunter population in North America on this case. Dean insisted on having all the help they can so they could get this over with. He hated having Crowley hovering over them with a deal.

It was another week and a half, until Castiel managed to locate him. Dean and Sam immediately grabbed their stuff, ready to go. The two brothers made their way to the kitchen, where Y/N was sitting and reading yet another lore book.

“Hey, Y/N, we’re gonna go on a hunt,” Dean told her, not expecting her to respond. He knew better than anyone else that Y/N was in a different world when reading.

Her head snapped towards them, lowering her book slowly. “I want to come,” she said, surprising both boys. They both looked at her with widened eyes, then turned to each other in a silent conversation.

“Alright, sure I guess. Go pack your bag. We’ll be leaving in 10,” Dean said, ruffling her hair as he passed by.

“We should bring the Colt just in case,” Sam told Dean, who nodded in agreement. As his older brother went to grab the weapon, he turned his head to Y/N. “Are you sure you want to come with us?”

She nodded. “You might need backup.” Her voice wasn’t serious, but it wasn’t all too playful either. Still, it brought out a smile from the younger Winchester.


Dean came back waving the wrapped up gun in the air, a goofy smile on his face. “Got it.”

“Is that the Colt?” she asked, peering over to the gun.

“The one and only,” he replied with a huge grin.

She look at it with such curiosity before nodding. Once she finished packing her stuff, she went outside to the garage with her duffel bag slung over her shoulder.

It took a whole day to drive up to where the Alpha Vampire was hiding. He made his home in an abandoned hospital in Kentucky. It used to be a school when it was running back in the 1800s, and was transformed to a sort of hospital for tuberculosis patients in 1908. It was the top of the line hospital for the people under their care, until it was shut down with the discovery of the antibiotic that cured tuberculosis in 1961.  

By this time, they had a seamless plan, thanks to the angel’s initial survey of the place. Castiel told the boys everything they needed to know, and together they planned the best course of action. Dean was uneasy with the plan. It was a great plan, but everything was going too smoothly. He was just concerned that everything would unravel last minute.

They arrived in Kentucky just a little past sundown, meaning they would have to wait until morning for their attack.

“There shouldn’t be anyone else in the building,” Castiel informed them.

“Alright. So Vampy here hasn’t reproduced- that’s good to hear,” Dean jested with a small smile, nudging Y/N beside him. She offered a small smile at his joke, shaking her head.

“I apologize for not being of more help,” Castiel added. “If I had-”

“Don’t worry about it, man,” Sam interrupted the angel. “You’ve done more than enough.”

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