You Understand, Right?

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Part 3 - Bargaining Chip

Crowley thundered through the halls of his dungeon, a smirk on his face. He heard a little rumour going around in the rack, about a girl associated with the Winchesters- someone who meant an awful lot. He stood in front of the girl, assessing her from head to toe. A surge of power traveled through his bloodstream as he realized that he found the key to getting the Winchester’s to doing his biddings.

Y/N’s head lolled to the side as she became more conscious of her surroundings. It was rare for someone to be unconscious in hell, the demons like to keep the person fully aware of their torture when they’re on the rack.

“Hello, dear,” he greeted, an evil smirk adorning his face.

She didn’t reply just as Crowley expected. He tapped into her memories, watching her life flash by as he confirmed her relationship with the Winchester brothers. He patted her cheek, ignoring her wince as he didn’t even bother to avoid the bruise on the skin. As he walked away from her, he wondered just exactly what he would ask of the brothers. There were so many possibilities, and he could not wait for the time to bring her up.

It was almost ten years later when Crowley finally exhausted all of his resources, and used up all of his other leverages against the boys.

The demon tracked down the Winchesters to their motel room, having just finished a hunt in town, and ready to head back home to their bunker. 

“Hello, boys,” the demon greeted.

Both brothers pulled out their guns.

“What the hell do you want, Crowley?” Dean demanded.

“Oh, Squirrel. Always had the penchant for the dramatics.”

“Shut up.”

“If you could lower your weapons, and we can talk like normal people-” 

“Not until you tell us what you want,” Sam added.

“Well, I came to you because I may have a wee bit of a predicament.”

“And why should we help you?” Dean asked.

The demon smirked. “Because I got something that may be of interest.”

The brothers didn’t sound convinced.

“Does the name,” he paused for dramatic effect, “Y/N ring a bell?”

Their blood ran cold.

Sam’s heart stopped for a millisecond as he heard her name. The girl he considered a sister, and knowing that she was going through such a hard time that she thought committing suicide was her only option was heartbreaking to him. After he heard about her death, he made a promise to himself to be more attentive to people, showing his empathy to every victim in their case, making sure that none of them felt like they were alone in all of this.

Dean’s heart started beating fast as he felt anger pump through his veins. His blood was boiling at the fact that this low life demon had the audacity to even mention her name to him. Everyone who knew about her knew not to mention her in front of Dean. It was an unwritten law. To Dean, Y/N’s death was his biggest regret. He always felt responsible for her death- having failed to be there for her when she needed him the most.

“What the hell are you talking about? Y/N has nothing to do with this,” Dean shouted. 

“You really think so?” Crowley asked with a raised eyebrow. “You really think she has absolutely nothing to do with this life? I mean she grew up with you guys, which means she must’ve been raised as dramatic as you two buffoons.” 

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Dean asked with exasperation, ready to shoot the demon in the foot if it got him to stop talking about the girl that still makes his heart ache. 

“You don’t think it’s possible for her to be in hell for the past 10 years after her death?” 

“That’s not possible,” Sam interjected, shaking his head in disbelief. “She’s not a hunter- She’s never done anything wrong in her life. She can’t be in hell.” 

“Oh, Moose, how right you are. She’s a precious angel who’s never done anything wrong… Except making a demon deal.”

A blur of movement passed from the corner of Sam’s eyes, and following a blink, Dean had Crowley pinned against the wall, his forearm against the demon’s neck.

“Shut the fuck up,” Dean growled lowly. “She didn’t make deal.”

“Right,” Crowley answered sarcastically, despite the growing pressure against his windpipe. “Because she committed suicide, right?”

“Don’t you fucking talk about her like you knew her.”

“Oh, but I am very familiar with her. I’ve visited her so often for the past 10 years while she was on the rack.”

“And why should we believe you?”

“I had a feeling you wouldn’t believe me, so I went ahead and dealt with digging up her body, and putting her little, broken soul back in.” With a snap of a finger, two demons had showed up with Y/N in between them, her arms a prisoner in their tight grip.

“Y/N!” Sam called, taking a few steps forward. But the girl didn’t respond, the youngest Winchester realized that Y/N was unconscious, her body held up by the two demons. Her head hung low, her clothes torn and tattered, but he remembered it from the day they buried her. How could he forget the imprinted image of her laying dead in her own pool of blood.

Dean’s arm loosened as he took in the sight of Y/N. HIs heart dropping to his stomach at the sight of her broken figure.

“This little one decided to sell her soul in exchange for Moose’s life ten years ago, and thought she’d be smart by killing herself to hide the fact that she made a deal. A smart move, really. Because no one suspected a single thing. Now, I’m willing to make a little exchange. You’ll get this little birdie back if you help me with something.” 

The green-eyed hunter took his attention back to the demon. “What?”

“I need you to catch the Alpha Vampire. This little fellow is a slippery one- keeps getting away from my imbecile demons.”

Dean thought about it for a second before answering. “Give us all the information you have, and we’ll do it, but we get to keep Y/N with us starting now.” 

“And how do I know you won’t laze around once you get your precious birdie back?”

“If we don’t get this son of a bitch in a month’s time, you can take me on the rack until Sam does.”

“Dean-” Sam started. 

“It’s a deal,” Crowley said with a nod, disappearing just as fast as he appeared. The other two demons disappeared along with the King of Hell, letting Y/N fall to the ground.

The two brothers turned to their childhood friend, quickly approaching her as she started opening her eyes.   

“Hey, sweetheart.”

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