You Understand, Right?

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Part 9 - Bought With Lies

Dean knew something was wrong. Something was off with Y/N, and he’s going to find out what.

He suspected something was wrong when a month after they brought her home, she hadn’t asked any questions about the details of her coming back to life. She hasn’t been a hunter in over ten years, but she was trained as one. She should have- would have known to question everything.

Everything about her behaviour was off when she was with both boys. It was fine when she was alone with Dean, when he was comforting her after a nightmare, or talking to her about repairing their relationship, but the minute she was outside of her room or his room with other people, she shuts down. At first he thought it was because she was uncomfortable with them, but then he saw this look in her eyes. The second he saw it, he was worried. He never wanted her to feel like that because he knew she had no reason to feel that way. The next few times he saw it, he was confused. It seems to be more apparent when he or Sam did something for her.

There was so much guilt in her eyes. And he didn’t know why.

His wariness only grew the day of the hunt. He saw the lingering looks she gave the Colt, and at first he was excited to show her their new choice of weapon. But after a while, she started asking more questions, where they got it, what it could do, what it could kill, and that was when alarm bells ran in Dean’s head.

Y/N hated hunting. She had no interest in hunting. She never actively learned to be a better hunter. She did it because she had to when she was with the boys. Sure, she was good at it- good enough to have survived thus far, but she never liked the brutality of it. John and Bobby only trained her because she didn’t say anything otherwise. She took in their training, absorbed it, and applied it. But she hated it. The moment she permanently lived in Bobby’s care, she stopped hunting- stayed away from it like it was the plague. Of course, they had a part to play in that- making sure she sat out in every case, but she there were never any signs that she wanted to go back to hunting. She never rebelled, and took hunts on her own.

Dean was stumped. His gut feeling told him something was wrong. So very wrong.

When they got back to the motel, Sam showered first, knocking out the second he rested on his bed. Dean thought about how to approach the situation while he was in the shower thinking of other reasons for Y/N’s sudden interest in the Colt. She patched up the youngest Winchester before he fell asleep, doing the same for Dean once he was finished showering. She slipped into the space next to him after she finished showering, placing a lot of distance between her and the hunter beside her. Perhaps a week ago, Dean would’ve brushed this act off as her not wanting to accidentally hurt him while she was sleeping, but he couldn’t think the same way. Not anymore. She was hiding something from him, and he wanted to know what.

After sleeping with her for most of his young life, he knew her body posture, and breathing pattern when she was deep asleep. Her body was tense as she laid still until well into the night. Dean pretended to be sleeping, deepening his breathing to play the part. Soon enough, she slipped out of their shared bed, she went over to Dean’s duffel bag. He purposely placed the Colt in his bag instead of under his pillow, wanting to see what her plans were before making his move. She didn’t grab anything else, but the Colt before slipping out of the motel room. 

- A Month Ago -

“Hello, darling,” Crowley greeted. “And how are you doing today?” The King of Hell has visited you everyday for the past two years. Though, you didn’t know why, his company grew on you. Well, after years and years in hell, a day without torture, and decent company sounds too good to be true for you. But here you are, nine years later- 900 hell years later, talking casually with the most powerful demon.

You shrugged, rubbing your wrist where the chains used to be. It took about a few months after he started visiting you that he trusted you enough to remove your chains during his visits. He never stayed long- a couple of hours. He took the time to get to know you, and though it was tough at first, he broke down your walls.

At first you were very wary about what the King of Hell wanted from you. You were nobody. You had nothing to offer him. Yet, he took the time out to visit you. He said something about enjoying your company. One thing he mentioned was how much he hated the gloominess of hell, so sometimes he makes you promise to be good, and he’ll take you back to earth for a bit. Most of the times, he picked where you guys went, but sometimes he would let you pick where you wanted to go. Almost always, you picked on going to park. It gave you a sense of normality that you never had, even before you went to hell.

He told you about his past, his human life, and even certain stories or deals that’s been made that he thought you would like. After a while, you started to reciprocate. You told some stories of when you were younger, telling him stories about the Winchester brothers without realizing that they may be of acquaintances.

Crowley seemed shocked that you knew about the brothers, telling you that he was very well acquainted with them. He gave you a brief rundown of what happened after you died- how Dean became a demon, and went to purgatory; how Sam became addicted to demon blood, and Dean had to sacrificed his friend, Benny to get Sam’s soul back. According to Crowley, Benny was a vampire who helped Dean survive and escape purgatory, and yet he sacrificed him for his brother. Their lives was full of blood, and sacrifice.

“They’re not afraid of sacrificing other people for each other,” Crowley told you.

You nodded your head, being able to imagine the extremes they would go to for each other.

“They also stole something of mine.”

You tilted your head, wondering what they could’ve stolen.

“The Colt. It can kill just about anything in the world, and I’m afraid they would use it against people like Benny. And you’re the only who can help me get it back.

You considered the idea of helping him.

“You won’t have to hurt them or anything like that. Just get the Colt back to me, and in exchange I’ll get you out of hell- give you a new life.”

Your eyes widened at the deal on the table. Being in hell for almost a century worn you down, and you would do anything to escape, anything to start a new life. “How would I get the Colt?”

“I’m going to make it easy for you to get the Colt. I’ll give you back to them in exchange for them hunting down something that would force them to use the Colt. You’ll just need to take it, and bring it to me,”

“And if I fail?”

“You have nothing to lose, right? If they find out, you don’t get the Colt, and you’re back on the rack.”

You thought about it for a few more seconds before slowly nodding your head. “It’s a deal.”

“It’s a deal,” Crowley repeated with a smirk, leaning down to capture your lips, sealing the deal.

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