You Understand, Right?

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Part 2 - What Happened

“Dammit, Y/N! Don’t you dare hang up the phone! What the hell do you mean?!” Dean paced around his motel room, running his fingers through his hair continuously. They had just wrapped up a case in Nebraska, and was planning on visiting Bobby for some down time. Sam reminded his older brother that they haven’t seen Y/N in over several months, and he had been missing her.

“I understand, Dean,” she answered vaguely. Dean’s heart was thumping against his chest, as he tried to understand her message.

“What- What is it, sweetheart? What do you understand?” He started throwing clothes into his duffel bag, knocking on the bathroom door where Sam was currently showering.

“You and Sam need each other… But you don’t need me.” With that, she hung up.

“Y/N? Y/N?” Dean shouted into the phone, knowing that it would be futile. “Fuck.” He hung up his phone, and knocked louder against the bathroom door. “Sam! Get your ass out here.”

Sam opened the door with only his jeans, his face lined with annoyance. “The fuck Dean?”

“We’re leaving NOW!”

“What’s going on? Did you talk to Y/N?” Sam quickly put on his shirt, seeing the gravity of the situation in Dean’s eyes.

“Yea, but she kept saying things,” Dean answered vaguely, shaking his head as he continued to pack their stuff. 

“What did she say?”

“She kept saying how she understands- how she knows that we needed each other, but we don’t need her.”

Sam furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Why makes her think that? She knows we love her.”

“I have a bad feeling about this, Sam. C’mon.”

Both brothers made their way to Bobby’s house with tension between them. The four-hour trip only lasting 3 hours with Dean’s driving. Nothing else had been said. Nothing else needed to be said. Not until they find Y/N, hopefully alive. 

Dean barely put his car into Park before jumping out, and running into the house. It was pitch black except for the bathroom inside Y/N’s room. The door was slightly jarred, and it left a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.

“Y/N?” Dean called, his voice much breathier and weaker than he wanted. He opened the door fully, his hand on the gun in the back of his jeans. Sam was closely behind him, his gun drawn as he looked around for potential danger.

The brothers walked into the bathroom, not expecting to see their best friend of 20 years slumped against the bathtub, with blood splattered around her, creating a halo around her lifeless figure.

“Oh, God,” Sam whimpered, quickly leaving the bathroom.

Dean could only stare at her. Eyes wide with shock, and unshed tears. His heart knowing this was the outcome the second he opened the door. “S-Sammy,” Dean called, without turning around. “Call Bobby.”

The oldest Winchester didn’t even know if his younger brother heard him, but a few hours later they heard the door opening, and heavy boots climbing up the stairs. Dean was still in the bathroom, staring at the girl he vowed to protect, dead.

“Jesus Christ,” Bobby whispered out, shaking his head. “What the hell happened?”

A flash of anger ran through Dean’s veins. “You tell me, Bobby! What happened while we were gone?! What happened that made her think that we don’t love her?! Or that she had to kill herself?! Huh?! What the hell happened?!”

Bobby growled before grabbing the younger man’s collar. “I loved her like she was my own daughter. Don’t you dare go disrespecting me like this!”

The green-eyed hunter slumped at his words, knowing that Bobby treated Y/N like she was his own daughter. “Bobby… What happened?” His voice was soft and cracked under the pressure of his emotional turmoil, and a tear slipped from the corner of his eye.

The older man’s heart broke at how small Dean sounded. With all the gentleness and love he could muster up, he pulled his adopted son into a hug, hating the sound of his small sniffles as he tried to stop the tears. “We’ll figure this out. We always do.”

Dean nodded before pulling away, and taking a deep shaky breath. “I’m gonna check up on Sammy.”

“I’ll- Uh- I’ll clean up here.” Bobby nodded towards the bathtub. He had seen a lot of messed up shit in his life, but this had been one of the most horrific sight he has ever seen. The girl he considered his daughter, dead.

“We should give her a proper burial,” Sam quietly said, appearing at the doorway with red eyes, not even bothering to hide the fact that he had been crying since he left the bathroom. “She- She doesn’t need to be given a hunter’s funeral.”

The two other men nodded. The three of them silently working together. Dean and Bobby wrapped her up in her favourite blue comforter, and brought her out to the backyard. Sam was burying a hole near her favourite tree, where Bobby would often find her when she went out for a walk. It was early morning by the time they finished her burial. The three men looming over her make-shift grave, all feeling guilty.

They all came back to the house, Bobby pulling out a couple of beers, and two large bottles of whiskey, knowing they would all need it to sleep tonight.

Bobby was the first to speak. “She- She was always in her own little world. I mean, she was as sharp as a hunter, but I would sometimes catch her looking out the window with a faraway look. I made sure she was never exposed to the hunter life like you two were. Once you two left her with me, I made her get a normal job, go to school, and try to live as normal as she could. I can tell she never really liked it, but she never said anything.”

“Did she-” Sam paused to clear his throat. “Did she ever say anything to you about us?”

“No.” Bobby shook his head. “She barely talked to me unless I make her.”

“Do you think she was unhappy?” 

“She probably was, but didn’t want to say anything.” Bobby sighed, feeling guilty. He wondered if he forced her to open up more, this night wouldn’t have happened. He wondered if he let her hunt, this night wouldn’t have happened. There were a million and one decisions he could think of that if perhaps he gave a different answer, this night wouldn’t have happened. “She would always thank me for taking her in. Everyday without a fail, she would thank me for letting me stay in my house. She never called it her house, despite me saying otherwise. Idjit,” Bobby whispered endearingly. “She’s family… But I just don’t think she thought of herself as one. A stranger in her own home.”

Dean slammed his glass of whiskey on the table, pushing the chair back. He gave Bobby a look, and the old man nodded. The hunter went out to the yard, picking up crowbar from somewhere in the garage. His fingers trailed over Y/N’s car, the one he and Bobby helped rebuild, and gave to her on her 18th birthday. All the anger, sadness, and frustration in his heart told him to destroy this car, but he couldn’t. It was Y/N’s. And he couldn’t do that to her. So he turned to his own car. His Impala. His Baby. And he raised the crowbar, swinging it down with the force of a grieving man.

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