You Understand, Right?

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Part 11 - I Made My Decision

Y/N slowly made her way to a clearing, thinking about what Dean had said. She replayed the last half an hour over and over again. At this point she doesn’t know who to trust. She knew the power the Colt had, and she felt ridiculously stupid for almost handing the most powerful weapon over to the King of Hell. Either ways, she had to confirm whether Dean was right about Crowley or not. “Cas,” Y/N whispered, hoping he would somehow hear her prayers, and come.

“Y/N? Where’s Dean?” he asked. It was rare for the angel to see her without Dean. Those two had been joint at the hips since he met her.

“I need you to give this back to him.” She shoved the Colt against his chest, not trusting herself with it any longer. “And tell him I’m sorry.”

“Why do you have the Colt? And why can’t you tell him yourself?” he questioned.

“Please, Cas. I just- I need to be alone right now.”

“Alright.” He grabbed the Colt from her hands, and disappeared with a fluttering of wings.

“Hello, darling,” Crowley greeted with a smile, one she would’ve thought nothing of, but now she can sense the danger behind it. “Do you have the Colt?”

“Were you going to turn me into a demon?” she asked directly, having nothing to lose.

One of his eyebrow raised questioningly, and his smile was replaced with a smirk. He didn’t bother hiding his evil intentions anymore. “Yes.”

“You lied to me!”

“You never asked for details, pet.”

Y/N scoffed, realizing that her trusting him had been her downfall. She felt hurt that he would betray her like this, but she knew there was no one to blame but herself. Only an idiot would put blind faith to demon. Her heart sank realizing that Dean was telling the truth. He was on her side this whole time, and she didn’t trust him.

“Oh, don’t be so angry with me. You knew I was a demon. What was I going to do? Get you a one-way flight to up above? Now, that’s just beyond my control.”

“I don’t have the Colt,” Y/N told him.

The King of Hell sighed, and shook his head. “I had a feeling that Squirrel would get into your head with his lies.”

“He wasn’t lying! You’re the liar! I should’ve trusted him!”

“I was trying to protect you, darling. He’s going to turn his back on you again one of these days.”

“Stop it!” Y/N cried, placing her hands over her ears.

With a flick of his hand, Y/N was brought to her knees in front of him. He slowly wrapped his fingers around her throat, lifting her up. “The only good thing about you failing me is that I get to kill you.” His grip tightened as she struggled to breath, her fingernails digging into the sleeve of his black coat. She stared into his fiery, bright red eyes, dread filling her as she realized she was going to die again.

This time though, she didn’t want to die. She wanted to live. She wanted to apologize to Dean. She wanted to change. She wanted to learn to trust people again. She wanted to learn about herself. She wanted to be stronger. A whimper escaped her lips as the corner of her eyes started to become fuzzy, her head feeling light and tense at the same time.

She heard her name being shouted, and something that sounded like fireworks, but it sounded too far away. Suddenly, she saw a bright light emitting from the demon in front of her, and the guttural scream that followed it. She dropped to the ground, trying to catch her breath. The cold air felt heavenly as it made its way to her lungs, greedy for more as she breathed heavily to get in as much oxygen as possible.

“Y/N! Y/N!” a familiar voice shouted. She felt someone grab her, but she couldn’t even tell what they were holding- let alone who they were. Their voice barely being heard over the sound of her heavy breathing, and thundering heart. Finally, she had the energy to slightly turn her head, instantly recognizing the dark blonde hair. She blinked away the tears, and focused on his bright green-eyes, the moon lighting it up enough to see the concern in them. “Are you okay?” He placed his hand on her jaw, his thumb rubbing her cheek gently, careful not to put too much pressure anywhere in fear that she was hurt.

“I-I-I’m-I’m so-sor-sorry, D-Dean,” she gasped out in between breaths.

“Hey, hey. Easy now.” Dean exaggerated his breathing letting her subconscious follow him, and even out her breathing. “You’re okay. I’m here now.”

Once, Y/N got her breath back, she looked up at the hunter with tear-filled eyes, her lips quivering. “I’m so sorry, Dean! You were right- He- He- He was gonna turn me in-into a-a demon!”

“It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re forgiven.” Dean wrapped his arms around her, glancing around for any other signs of danger.

When Castiel brought him the Colt, Dean demanded that the angel take them to where she was. Thankfully, Y/N wasn’t warded against angels, and Castiel was able to transport them quickly to the clearing just as Crowley was about to kill her. Dean could only see red as he saw Y/N struggling against the demon’s grasp. He shot several bullets with a demon trap engraved into them to the demon’s hand, and leg, rendering him useless. Castiel had snuck behind, and disappeared with Crowley. The hunter wasn’t sure where the angel had gone, and what he was doing with the demon, but as long as Y/N was safe, he couldn’t care about anything else at the moment. His heart thundered against his ribcage as he cradled Y/N’s head closer to his chest, her arms clutching the sleeve of his jacket so tightly he could see her knuckles turning white.

“You’re okay,” he repeated softly, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. 

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