Running into the Rosses...

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I knocked on Riley's window at around 5:30, she jumped of course, like always. She should be used to it by now.

"Sup goofball?" I asked smiling and hopping into her room.

"How ya doin'?" She asked annoyed.

"Just fine! You excited?"

"I think the real question is if YOU are excited." She said slyly.

"OH MY GOD RILEY I DON'T LIKE FARKLE!" I yelled exasperated.

"Keep telling yourself that Maya!" I heard Auggie yell from his room down the hall.

"You stay out of this curly fry!" I yelled laughing.

"Maya! Focus I need something to wear!" She said flailing her arms to emphasize her struggle.

"The struggle is real huh?" I said laughing.

"You have no idea. Blue, or mint?" She said holding up two patterned overall shorts.

"Blue." I said. Blue had always been my favorite color... Farkle's too. Don't get the wrong idea. I DO NOT like Farkle. He's weird and cute and smart and funny.... Damn you caught me. I may like him a little but, hey, no one needs to find out.

"MAYA!" Riley yelled breaking me from my trance.

"What? Sorry?" I said regaining my reality.

"Thinking about Farkle?" She asked.

"Yeah... I... Uh mean... Um..." I said looking down.

"I knew it." She smiled smugly.

"Shut up cowgirl!" I teased. Everyone knew she had a major crush on Lucas. Everyone except Lucas. I mean, even Farkle knows!

She blushed and looked in the mirror.

"Ready?" She asked excitedly.

"Yep. Except one thing."


"Can I pretty please borrow some cute clothes?" I asked meekly.

"What EVER could that be for?" She asked deviously.

"You know what?" I yelled throwing a pillow at her playfully.

"What?" She asked playing along. I laughed.

"Fine, Maya take what you would like!" She laughed. Showing off her closet like Vanna White.

"Yes!" I squealed. I pulled out a duffel bag and packed it with as much as it could fit.


"Dude where could they be?" Lucas asked nervously. "Did they bail? Are they gonna come?" He rambled on.

"Lucas. Calm yourself. They're on their way. Riley just texted me." I responded calmly.

"Why did she text you and not me? Does she like you more? What if she hates me?" He paced around my living room talking to himself. I laughed at my best friend. He was head over heels for Riley. It was the same on Riley's part too, according to Maya.

"Cowboy. Calm down!" I shouted.

"Wait a second!" He said snapping out of his ramble fest.

"What?" I asked, suddenly confused. This was weird, Farkle never gets confused.

"You just called me cowboy." He said smirking.

"So?" I asked

"Only Maya does that."

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