Truth or Dare?

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Well... Since I got ten views in the first hour... I guess I have to keep my promise... Here goes... But this is the last chapter for tonight =]


I can't believe that Luke Ross had the nerve to ask to hang out with us tonight. Tonight was our night. My night. Riley's night... The night of my moment. There was no way Luke Ross was going to ruin this.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked eagerly.

"We could order a pizza?" Maya asked. She's always thinking about food.

"I mean... Something other than food." I joked.

"Was that a fat joke?"

"Only if you think it is." I laughed. She sent me a death glare. She was scary.

"Pizza it is." Farkle said chuckling.

"Yay!" Riley said happily. She was so cute. I found myself staring at her big eyes and cute dimples.

"Yo! COWBOY!" Maya yelled waving a hand in front of my face rapidly.

"Yeah?" I said offhandedly.

"Toppings?" She asked.

"Pepperoni." I answered dully.

"Everyone cool with that?" Maya asked.

A chorus of yes was heard.

"So... To pass time... Truth or dare?" She smiled innocently.

"Sure." Farkle said, unaware of what he was getting into.

"NO WAY!" Riley and I yelled.

"So it's a yes." Maya said ignoring us.

Shit is about to go down.


This was gonna be fun. I set out my empty soda bottle and spun it. It landed on the Cowboy. He rolled his eyes.

"Cowboy," she started evilly.

"Dare." I said quickly.

"You... Have to... Play the rest if the round in just your boxers." She laughed.

"Maya!" Riley and Farkle yelled.

"It was a dare, he has to do it." I smirked. Lucas stripped into just his boxers. Riley's eyes were glued on him. It was quite hilarious.

"My turn." Lucas sighed.

He spun.

Please not me! Please not me!

I chanted in my head.

"Farkle!" He said happily.

"Oh no." Farkle groaned.

"Farkle, my good friend. Truth or dare?"

"Truth?" He was not confident at all.

"Okay. Answer honestly. What do you like most about Maya?" He smiled.

"Hmmm... That's hard. I like Maya's personality and her beauty and her sense of humor... But I think that her art is the best aspect of her." He finished shyly.

I blushed a bit.

"Okay." Farkle cleared his throat awkwardly.

He spun and it landed on himself. He spun again and it landed on Riley. This should be interesting.

"Riley. Truth or dare?" Farkle asked.

"Truth." Riley said uneasily.

Farkle smiled cheekily.

"Do you think Lucas looks hot right now?"

I didn't know Farkle had it in him! I was holding in laughs. Lucas looked at the floor and blushed.

"Um..." Riley stammered. Poor little plant! "He looks hot all the time." She mumbled.

"What?" Farkle asked.

"Yes. What did you say Riles?" I asked laughing.

"He looks hot all the time okay?" Riley bursted.

Lucas snuck a glance at Riley and winked. She blushed a really bright red.

"My turn!" She sang.

The bottle spun for an eternity.

It landed on me.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Maya! My bestest friend!" She laughed "truth or dare?"

"Dare." I said confidently. I wasn't confident at all.

"Hmmm... I dare you... To go into the screening room with Farkle for seven minutes." She finished smirking.

"Can she do that?" I asked Farkle.

"It is a dare..." He whispered.

"Right. I remember a certain little lady saying something about 'it's a dare you have to do it.'" Lucas smiled innocently.

"I will break you!" I yelled dragging Farkle out of the room. Riley flashed me a thumbs up... Which I rolled my eyes at.


Well... This is awkward. Lucas and I are alone. And he is sitting in his boxers. It's totally silent.

"So..." He started with a half smile. "I look hot all the time?" He chuckled.

"Don't let it get to your head!" I laughed along with him.

"Well for the record. You don't look so bad yourself." He winked.

If people could melt... I would have.

I blushed and looked down.

"Hey." He said gently. "Can I see your eyes?" He asked.

"Sure." I said looking up smiling.

"No... I mean... See your eyes. They're the window to the soul you know." He smiled.

"You can see them." I replied. Where is this going?

"Come closer."

I scooted over to him slowly. Unsure of how it would end. He stared into my eyes.

"You have a beautiful soul Riley Matthews." He said shyly, not breaking his stare. He leaned in slowly. I could smell his comforting scent and peppermint breath. At the last second he pulled away. I sat back sadly. I slumped my shoulders and looked down. How could I have been so stupid? Then out of no where Lucas collided his lips with mine forcefully. He eased into it and we broke apart gently after a few seconds.

"Um..." I said blushing like crazy.

"And that... Was my moment." Lucas said proudly. "I didn't envision it in my underwear... But it still counts." He laughed.

I couldn't speak so I just nodded.

What. Just. Happened.?


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