We have to fix this...

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So my best friends are in a huge fight, and the girl that I like, basically told me that she's leaving and never talking to me again...

How could things have gone so wrong? This was supposed to be a really fun, awesome night.

I ran to my room and grabbed my guitar. I stepped out into the night on my terrace. Not a lot of people know this, but I actually sing. When I was five or so, I sang Don't Stop Believing in front of a crowd.


I strummed the first cords and started singing.

Yeah, you can tell the world,

That you're leaving.

And you can pack your bags,

And spread your wings.

And you can tell them all,

That it's over.

But while you wave goodbye,

I'll be getting closer.

I was getting emotional by now.

Stand there and look into my eyes.

And tell me all we had were lies.

Show me that you don't care.

And I'll stay here if you prefer.

Yes, I'll leave you without a word.

Without a word.

A tear slid down my cheek. I couldn't go on. I stopped trying to sing and broke down. Then, I heard a beautiful female voice singing.

And you can tell the world,

That you're tired.

But your excuses, they won't work.

'Cause I'll know you're lying.

Every time I see your face,

I notice all the suffering.

Just turn to my embrace.

I won't let you come to nothing.

Maya's voice was beautiful. She was crying too. We sang the last verse together.

Stand there and look into my eyes,

And tell me all we had were lies.

Show me that you don't care,

And I'll stay here if you prefer.

Yes, I'll leave you, without a word.

Without a word.

Without a word.

Without a word.

Without a word.

I finished breathlessly and set my guitar down. I looked up at Maya. I wasn't sure if she was gonna slap me or kiss me. I looked down sadly.

"Maya- I..." I couldn't finish. I sniffed and looked up. Maya was walking towards me slowly with a dull expression. When she reached me, I sat there nervously. To my surprise, she ran into my arms and cried into my shoulder.

"You know t- that feeling when y-you want to a-slap someone a-and kiss them a-at the same t-time?" She said shakily.

I nodded and stroked her hair slowly.

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