Lucas' Surprise

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Lucas was sitting on the terrace with a bunch of candles surrounding him. In his hand was a guitar.

"Lucas I-" I began. I didn't know how to finish, so I stared at him in awe. I saw Maya and Farkle slip out quietly.

Before I could say anything more, he started strumming his guitar. I recognized the tune immediately. It was my favorite song ever from The Fault in Our Stars.

We know full well there's just time.

So is it wrong to throw this line?

If your heart was full of love,

Could you give it up?

He looked up and smiled. I was tearing slightly. I had never been sang to before, and it was surreal.

Cause what about, what about angels?

They will come, they will go, make us special.

I decided to sing along at this part. It was kind of high.

Don't give me up

Don't give...

Me up.

I let him finish.

How unfair, it's just our love,

Found something real that's just out of touch.

But if you'd search the whole wide world,

Would you dare let it go?

He smiled shyly at me and I walked over and sat down at his feet.

Cause what about what about angels?

They will come, they will go, make us special.

I was prepared to sing with him but he stopped so I could have a solo.

Don't give me up.

Don't give...

Me up.

He smiled and started again.

Cause what about, what about angels?

They will come they will go, make us special.

It's not about, not about angels, angels.

He finished and sighed.

"Your voice is beautiful." He said.

"Yours is amazing." I mumbled.

I stood up and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry." We said at the same time.

We laughed.

"No, I'm sorry."

"Stop doing that!"

"Hazel Grace!"

We laughed.

I laid my head on his shoulder and he hugged me from the side and kissed my head. I looked up at him. His light brown eyes met mine.

"KISS HER ALREADY!" I heard maya yell from inside.

"Maya!" Farkle yelled frantically.

"What? They have to!"

They continued to argue.

Lucas leaned down and kissed me slowly. We broke apart.

"Hey... You had pants on that time!" I joked.

He picked me up and walked inside. Clearly, Maya and Farkle worked it out, because they were kissing on the couch.

"HEY!" Lucas yelled.

They jumped.

"Who's ready to have a real sleepover?" I asked from in his arms.

Okay so I know it's kinda short, but the next chapter will make up for it I hope!

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