Taken Too Far.

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Riley, Luke, and I make an awesome team. We already planned out like, 20 new pranks.

"Oh... And then, we will throw baby food on them!" Luke choked out. He was laughing really hard.

"Yes!" Riley high fived him.

"Guys, if we wanna do all of these awesome pranks... We have to go shopping." I sighed.

"Good think I always carry two hundred dollars in my pocket." Luke said offhandedly.

I stopped walking and just stared at him. If I had that much in my pocket... Wow.

"Well," I stuttered. "Let's go!" I recovered quickly.

We headed to the convenience store and bought everything from syrup to feathers.

"This is gonna be so good!" Riley said at the register.

Luke payed and we walked out confidently.

"To the Farkle's! HAZZAH!" I joked.

We laughed all the way there.


Our trap was set. They would walk into the door any second now.

"You guys ready?" I asked excitedly.

"Dude, for the fifth time... Yes we are ready."

I had asked five times... Oops.

The door knob jiggled. I don't remember giving anyone a key...

Oh yeah, Maya can pick any lock in a matter of 10 seconds.

The door swung open.

"SUP LOSERS? WE HAVE ARRIVED!" Maya yelled happily.

"NOW!" Lucas yelled.

We took out the ice balls and chucked them aimlessly. I heard cursing. Is this a good idea?

We got the water guns filled with hot chocolate. We sprayed them mercilessly. Screams were echoing through the room.

Finally, we took the honey filled water balloons and threw them quickly. For good measure, I ran to get a can of whipped cream and sprayed it right in Maya's face.

When the chaos died down I looked up. Riley and Luke were speechless and coated in a mix of chocolate and ice. Maya looked at me with a death glare. That's when I noticed the tears creating rivers in the whipped cream on her cheeks. What have I done? She ran away quickly.

Riley shook her head in disappointment and followed her. Luke awkwardly looked after them and scurried away.

"I don't get it. How come they can prank us however they want, and when we get them a little dirty, we are the bad guys?" Emma said in disbelief.

"I don't know..." Lucas shook his head.

I looked down. Farkle hated himself. Farkle was an awful person.


It was a good thing we were expecting an attack. We knew our plan would work now.

"NICE WORK MAYA!" I applauded her.

"Good job blondie." Luke laughed.

See, we set them up from the beginning. We knew that they would prank us as soon as we got home, so Maya would act really upset and make them feel bad, and we would get them when they least expected it.

"Why thank you!" Maya said returning with a high five.

"Okay, so plan?"

"I've got a few ideas..." Luke said sneakily. "First, we sneak into the kitchen and make cookies."

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