Our turn.

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"Maya you should have taken the pizza. I'm starving!" I groaned, flopping into the guest bedroom bed.

"I'm sorry!" She yelled "but it's like you don't know me!" She laughed and threw a package of Oreos at me from her bag.

"On second thought... I love you." I said sheepishly.

Then there was a knock in the door.

"GO AWAY LUCAS!" I yelled.

"SCRAM FARKLE!" Maya yelled.

"Fine but we left a box of pizza for you." Lucas sounded hurt. I almost ran out and hugged him but Maya shot me a look and I sunk down again.

"You probably did something to it!" Maya accused.

"We didn't. We swear." Farkle replied weakly through the door.

Maya almost went to open the door but looked at me sadly.

He knocked again softly. "Please Maya." He said barely over a whisper.

Maya padded over to the door and put her head to it.

"Leave me alone." She whispered as her voice broke.

She walked over to the bed and muffled a scream into a pillow. I felt terrible.

Lucas then knocked softly. I walked over to the door.

"Riley I'm sorry. I never tried to hurt you."

"Tell that to the pizza sauce in my hair." I shot back bitterly.

"WELL FINE! BE THAT WAY!" Lucas yelled harshly. He never raised his voice. I gasped and Maya ran over and wrapped me in a hug as if to protect me. I shrugged her off and kicked the door as hard as I could.


We finally heard them leave. Maya let a tear fall and so did I. I opened the door to see if the coast was clear. I picked up the pizza cautiously and shut the door.

I found Maya pacing around the room muttering to herself.

"Maya! I got the pizza." I said.

She took a slice and bit it angrily.

"What did that pizza ever do to you?" I joked.

She looked up and smiled.

"Here's the plan." She said and whispered into my ear.


"Lucas why did you snap at her like that?" Farkle asked nervously.

"I was mad." I replied simply.

"Well that gave you no reason to-" Farkle started.

"Yes I did!" I snapped. He flinched back.

"Whatever." He said.

"Sorry." I mumbled. He just nodded.

"So what should we expect?" I asked.

"They're girls... Who knows?" Farkle replied. "They have to eat." He sounded worried.

"We will go check on them." I said reluctantly as I started to get up.

We walked down towards the guest room. We got there and the pizza box was still in the hallway. I opened it and my eyes went wide. It was a note from Maya.


Riley choked on pizza and I brought her up into the elevator to the infirmary upstairs. Come if you want to, but you might be too upset with us. -Maya"

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