twenty four

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock blaring through my ears. It took my eyes a while to adjust to the sunlight, since I was just hidden under piles of blankets and pillows. I finally feel good, and feel like I've had a full night's sleep. I was happy to not feel tired for once, since I had a long day of school ahead of me. It was around 6 in the morning, and I had around 15 more minutes until I had to actually start getting ready for school. I lazily picked up my phone from the floor where I had placed it last night, and checked to see if I had any messages. I saw that I had a few texts from Luke, so I unlocked my phone to see what he had to say to me.

"wake up sleepy head!! im picking you up at 7!!"

"I told you I was free tonight, so I'm going to pick you up this morning so we don't have to take seperate cars back to my place, so be ready :---)"

I laughed to myself at his texts, and quickly responded to him. 

"don't worry, i'll be awake. and what's with all those noses on the smiley face???" 

"i thought they were cute :-----)" 

I decided not to respond, just because I needed to get ready. I usually leave my house later than 7, so that's why I needed to hurry up to get in the shower. 

After about 40 minutes of getting ready, I was finally downstairs eating my everyday breakfast. Luke should be here any moment, so I decided that I should go outside and wait for him. I didn't want to hold him back from being late to school, so the best I could do was wait outside for him. 

I walked outside my front door, as the cool breeze hit me. I was glad I chose to dress on the warm side today, since it was freezing right now. Today I decided on wearing light wash jeans, a sweater as usual in this weather, and black boots. I walked out to the end of my driveway and stuffed my hand in my jean pockets to wait for Luke. 

After a few minutes of waiting, I see a familiar white truck driving down my street. I smiled at the thought of finally being able to see Luke again. I know I just saw him yesterday, but I was happy to be with him again.

He slowly pulls up in front of my driveway, so I was able to get in the passanger seat. 

"Hey," Luke said, as I got into his car. 

"Hi." I shyly said, as I buckled my seatbelt. I looked back up at him, to see that he wasn't looking at me, but concentrating on the road ahead of him. I stared at him for a few seconds, and he was absolutely perfect. He was wearing a beanie with his hair stuck up in front. He was wearing his usual black ripped jeans, with a long black sleeve sweater. 

Luke sped out of my neighborhood, so we were now on the main road to get to school. He took his hand off the steering wheel, and reached over to give my hand a small squeeze. I looked up towards him, and gave him a reassuring smile. 

Minutes later, we were pulling in to the parking lot at school. I was actually pretty excited for the day, since I knew I was going to be with Luke for the second half. I had a good nights sleep, and I'm at least happy that I'm not tired. 

We walk into the school side by side, stopping at my locker first. My locker was closer to the door than Luke's was, and I just needed to grab a few books for my first two classes. 

Minutes later after stopping by my locker, we were now walking up to Luke's. I leaned up against the locker beside his, hoping nobody will need it. I watched as Luke got his books out, one by one. 

"What's wrong?" Luke asked me, as my wide eyes went straight behind him to the figures walking towards us. 

I didn't answer Luke because I didn't want to cause more attention, so Luke got the signal to just turn around himself.

Falling Slowly | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now