Chapter 7

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The commander remained silent, and whether out of cowardice or indecision, nobody attempted to prod him.

Max suddenly perked up. "Wait a minute... the emergency jettison boosters!" Upon seeing Ibramihov's confused look, he elaborated.

"The docking ports are equipped with solid fuel boosters designed to pull the ship away from any manner of things, be it an exploding... something. I really can't think of an example. However, they should provide enough thrust to get us off our collision course. After that, we could try and get into orbit with maneuvering thrusters. I think this is the best thing we've got, short of getting in an EVA suit and pushing the ship ourselves."

Ibrahimov thought it out for a few seconds before asking, "What's the status of inertial dampeners?"

I quickly glanced at the master systems display on my terminal.

"They're on, but they're at 23.68 percent of full capacity due to lack of power and general damage. We won't be crushed under the G-forces, but we'll most likely need to hold on pretty tight, as well as maintain a very strong grasp of our digestive systems, sir."

"Alright. Kovalev, carry out your plan. Could someone warn the rest of the crew?"

"Aye, sir. I'll try." I got up from the diagnostics console and walked to the communications console. It looked just like I thought it would. Evidently, something had exploded, and there was a patchwork attempt made to repair it.

"Attention, all personnel. Prepare for high-velocity maneuvers. Repeat, all personnel, prepare for high-velocity maneuvers, in T-Minus... fifteen seconds? If you're hearing this, spread the word, as quickly as possible."

"Think anyone received you?" The engineer working at the science section asked.

"If they didn't, they're in for a rough ride," I commented.

"Helm?" Ibrahimov faltered for a moment, before composing himself. "On your mark."

"Aye aye, sir." Max flipped a few switches on his console before yelling out systems status.

"Maneuvering thrusters prepared to engage. You're definitely gonna want to hold on to something." He took the yoke and firmly pushed it to the right.

I grasped on tightly to a metal support rod that was under the console. My stomach lurched, but I knew that the worst was yet to come.

"Jettison boosters are primed for port burn, sir. Initiating in five, four, three..." he typed something on his keyboard that resulted in a beeping alarm, as well as an automatic voice repeating the same thing.

I felt incredibly sympathetic to all the people onboard who might not have had any idea about what was about to happen. I did find some solace in the fact that they were likely already holding on tight, seeing as there had been some maneuvers already.

"...two, one, mark."

Max hit a button on his console, immediately triggering an alarm. The resulting g-forces flung me right out of the chair, along with practically anything that wasn't bolted down prior. "What the hell!?" I exclaimed.

"Warning. G-Force exceeding safety limit. Reduce velocity. Reduce velocity." This repeated while multiple other alarms began to go off on the bridge.

My breath was taken out of me as I slid across the floor and hit the deckhead at a strange angle. Ibrahimov managed to get back up, but the other engineer was now on the bulkhead next to me. I felt like I was about to puke as the g-forces returned to normal and the boosters disengaged. Briefly, the bridge was silent, at least, until Ibrahimov composed himself and began to chew both me and Max out.

"What the hell just happened? Kovalev, how much thrust was in those ejector-things?"

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