Chapter 21

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"Act friendly," I quickly said. "Don't bare your teeth, and no quick movements."

The alien seemed to only look in the closet for a few seconds, leaving and closing the door behind themself.

"Okay, then...?" Jack muttered.

"Mama, da sind riesige Tiere im Schrank."

"Was?" the voice who had gone down the stairs said, confused.

"Ich mache keine Witze."

The one who had been standing on the stairs began to shout. "Schatz, hol den Besen! Hier unten sind Tiere im Schrank!"

There were heavy steps from upstairs, which soon came barreling down the stairs. "Sind sie im Schrank?" the voice, who was the one that had answered the door, asked.

"Ja. Ich werde die Hintertür öffnen," the stairs voice said. I heard the sound of a door being opened. If I had to guess, we were about to be herded out of the room, but there was no way to truly know for certain.

The door opened with far more force this time, and a larger alien, carrying a broom, began swinging at us, or at least our legs, wildly. They had their eyes closed, and were shouting something incomprehensible.

I quickly held up my paws and yelled for them to stop. They quickly seemed to get the memo, and opened their eyes, which went wide when they saw us. "Was zum Teufel?" they muttered.

The one which I assumed the staircase voice belonged to peeked in as well, screaming briefly. They were now all standing in the closet, staring at us. I motioned for Jack and Marine to both put their paws in the air, to show that we weren't going to attack or anything like that.

In all likelihood, they were a family. The one with the broom, had short, brown fur, whereas the one who screamed had longer, black fur. The one who had peeked into the closet had brown fur as well, and it seemed to be tied up at the back of their head. Respectively, whey were each wearing jeans with a white t-shirt, jeans, a pink sweater, and black pants and what seemed to be the top of a tracksuit. It was a bit difficult to describe.

"Wer zur Hölle bist du?" The taller one asked. They didn't sound particularly happy.

"I'm gonna try something," Marine whispered. "Hi, uh... you don't understand anything I'm saying, but we are friendly." She said it in a tone that would hopefully come across as calm and nonthreatening to them.

"Wir sprechen nicht die gleiche Sprache," the one with black fur said. "Sind sie Außerirdische?" they added, looking at us nervously.

"Lassen Sie uns sie zuerst aus dem Schrank holen." The one with the broom stepped back, as the two others stepped out of the room, and pointed for us to get out. I was disappointed to see that the door was closed. We were prodded along until we were standing in front of the TV. We stood there silently, still with our paws up, entirely unsure of what to do next, while the aliens looked at us up and down.

While they did, I heard a door open down the hallway, and watched as another alien walked out. This one was shorter than all the rest, and presumably a child. "Was ist los?" they asked, sounding confused.

"Geh einfach nach oben und hol etwas Müsli," the one in the pink sweater said.

The child stared at us, while they walked to the staircase, which certainly fit in with what the rest of their family was doing.

"Sie sehen aus wie Soldaten," the pink sweater alien added. "Und es gibt drei von ihnen. Könnten sie die Terroristen sein?"

"Schau dir ihre Schulterflecken an. Warum sollten Terroristen so etwas Identifizierendes und sehr Unangebrachtes tragen? Was ist das überhaupt?" the one with the broom said. They walked up to me specifically, and pointed at the shoulder patch which was for the Valiant. "Das sieht aus wie etwas von Star Wars."

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