Chapter 25

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We ran the translator through more tests for the next fifteen or so minutes. Since it operated on machine learning, it learned from grammatical mistakes and became somewhat less mangled as we went on. For all we knew, though, we were making it worse, since we had very little reference points in regards to their grammar or syntax.

Nonetheless, after further testing, we were all certain now was the time to head out. Commander Ibrahimov was alerted to this, and we started preparing to leave.

"Should we change into proper clothes?" Alexei asked over one of the wall-mounted radios as we moved some of the loose stuff that had been hanging around in the shuttlebay inside the transport shuttle, as artificial gravity would soon be turned off.

"That'd be wise. First impressions are everything, and this is one case where we really want our first impression to be good. I'm still amazed that Ensign Vance and her team got it done this quickly."

I couldn't help but smile a bit hearing that. It had been many sleepless nights, but if contact went well, it'd definitely be worth it. I was still pretty amazed that we managed it as well, a feeling which Chief Anfisa and Warrant Officer Laryn shared.

"Man," Jack said, as I walked into the transport shuttle, setting down the empty dufflebag I had been carrying on a chair. "I can't believe all this stuff has happened within the span of less than two weeks."

"Yeah, it's definitely a lot to take in all at once," Max added.

"Well, we made it through it all in one piece. Do you think we're gonna face actual criminal charges once we're back? For stealing the truck, police pursuit, maybe even identity theft, because of what we did with the license plates," I asked. I hadn't really been thinking much about that, but since we were going to be leaving pretty soon the question came into the forefront.

"Huh, well... if that does happen, it'd be funny, for like, an hour. That aside, I guess the only real way to find out is to just ask them. Hopefully they'll forgive us on the basis that we were aliens," Jack answered.

"I mean, at the end of the day, we didn't kill anyone, as far as I'm aware. Maybe scared the hell out of that security guard, but otherwise it's just material damage. But, yeah, we'll be finding out soon. By the way, Ibrahimov wants us in fatigues." For a second, I imagined what it would be like to be the aliens, watching as our shuttlecraft landed, only to see a bunch of people dressed for the weekend step out.

Nonetheless, we all quickly got dressed in our proper uniforms and got into the Ussuri. It was decided that Jack, Max, and I would take our same positions that we had on the Veselka. Alexei, Adriana, and Laika would ride along- mainly because there wasn't much else for them to do in the shuttlebay- and it wouldn't hurt to have more representatives of our civilization present during first contact. Of course, first contact likely wasn't going to be in person, and rather over the radio.

Similarly to when we had left, Ibrahimov was very eager to have us get to the planet as soon as possible, granting us permission to cut corners with the preflight checks.

"Alright, Ussuri. I think it goes without saying that a lot is resting on the things you're going to say in a couple hours. Remember, your main priorities here are to establish peaceful first contact, explain our situation, and request somewhere to live on their planet. Cultural, scientific, and whatever else, exchange can come at a later date. Do you understand?" The Commander was speaking loudly and clearly over the com.

"Understood, sir," Jack said. "In all likelihood, we won't be able to get a place to set up camp right away. There are still going to be concerns about disease we'll have to sort. Otherwise, sir, we understand."

"Good. Try your best to make it clear that we are not from their planet. I don't want any confusion in that department."

I felt like that concern was a bit unfounded, but I wasn't the one at the radio, so I kept quiet. "Copy that," Jack said.

"Alright. Do you have a hermetic seal?"

I leaned back in my chair to check. The indicator light above the door was green, meaning that we had an airtight seal, but there was a breathable atmosphere outside. Jack saw it as well, and said "We've got a hermetic seal."

"Alright, prepare for depressurization."

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