Chapter 7

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They walked out, hand-in-hand. Rose was unsure if this was really what she wanted to do but she was willing to do anything to be in the safe, loving arms of Dimitri again. They walked down the street and turned onto the main road, just leisurely walking beside it. They walked in silence almost the whole time, soaking up the moment.

Rose and Dimitri were like that, they didn't need word to show how they felt about each other. But Dimitri broke the endless silence, remembering what Rose had told him earlier that day.

"Were you being serious when you said that the baby might not be alive?" he asked cautiously.

"Yes, I don't know. I just have a weird feeling..." she admitted.

His eyes wondered off to the distance "We need to find out" his voice was worried though he tried to hide it.

"Make the arrangements then" she replied, half-heartedly.

They had reached the edge of the lawn at the Belikov home. Dimitri turned and kissed Rose roughly, almost desperately. Her hands clasped around his neck, his around her waist. He pulled her closer, he pulled her until the was as close as she could possibly get to him. They were completely unaware of the world around them, World War 3 could have burst out and they would have been completely unaware.

When the reached the inside of the house, Yeva sat on the couch leisurely, Victoria was helping Olena bake and there was little footsteps above.

They walked in, both smiling. No one looked to see who had just walked in, as if they had expected them.

When Dimitri and Rose reached their room, Dimitri's whole appearance changed. He went from the Dimitri that Rose had seen all day-where he was saddened by his new found knowledge of problems to come- , to being engulfed with hunger.

He wrapped his arms around her tiny little waist, the slammed her to the wall. She was crushed to him, her hands instinctively went to his face. She framed his face with her hands, smashing her lips to his. His hands traveled up her back, feeling her warm skin beneath his cold hands.

She started to unbutton his shirt, then threw it on the floor. Her shirt was the next thing to be disposed on the floor. She took of the white-beater that he had worn under his shirt. Then he took her to the bed.

[The Next Morning]

She woke up in pure bliss, knowing right where she was. She lay on top of him, his arms wrapped behind her back. The blankets covered every part of their bodies from the chest down. She got up, careful not to disturb him, ten ran to put on her blue sweat-pants and one of Dimitri's over-sized shirts.

She went downstairs to find the entire home filled with amazing smells. These smells were only the one's that Momma Belikov could create.

She walked into the tiny kitchen, seeing Olena doing her usual cooking. Olena noticed she wasn't alone and turned around to find Rose standing in the doorway.

"Oh, Hello Rose" she said while a smile spread across her lips.

"Hi" she said shyly. Rose wasn't sure where the Belikov family stood on her problem with Dimitri and the baby.

"So what are you hungry for, darling?" she said and winked her left eye at me jokingly.

"Um... It dosen't matter" she told Olena.

She deliberated a moment then got work, fixing a traditional breakfast with Coffee, tea, bread, an omelet bigger than the plate, three huge pancakes drowned in syrup, and some type of meat that Rose was afraid to ask about.

"Um, I cannot eat all of this!" she told Olena honestly.

"Well just eat all you can, Hun, because you need to start feeding my grand baby!" she pointed her finger toward her stomach, then spun around to stir whatever she was cooking in a huge pot.

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