Chapter 8

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She started to run, passing the street sign. But she didn't get far before she saw a tall figure in the distance. She had long dark hair and a slim body. Rose knew this woman but this was by no means a friend. This was her mother, Janine Hathaway. She stood with her arms crossed agianst her chest and she wore a look on her face.

"What do you think you're doing?" she said, her voice was calm. She slowly approached Rose and stopped so they were face to face.

"Why are you here?" Rose asked, confused.

Janine took Rose by the arm, dragging her back toward the Belikov home. Rose fought against her, tugging her arm back from Janine's grip. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Rose asked Janie as she broke free.

Janine looked her dead in the eyes and said "Your mother".

Rose looked her in the eyes back, "You may have given birth to me, but you are not my mother". Then, Rose just calmly walked back to the house, never looking back. But as she turned onto 'Sherman St.' she saw the bulky dark figure standing on the porch.

"Dimitri" she whispered to herself, shamefully.

As she aproached the home, the large figure started to walk toward her. When they came face to face, she saw it. She saw what he was so desperatley trying to hide from her. Somthing that he wouldn't ever show anyone. He was crying.

She threw her arms around his chest, his around her neck. She snggled her head in the crease of his neck. Knowing now that as much as they both denyed it, as much that they would never mention a word of it to anyone else, they knew. They knew that this... this... child, means a lot to them.

"Dimitri.." she started to say but her voice faded away.

"I know." He said, the unspoken words not needing to be said.

He gave up having a family with someone like Tasha, to be with her. She knew that he wanted this child, she knew so he didn't have to say it.

They just stood there for a whild, no words being spoken. Until, Rose realized they they shoulld be getting inside before Olena -who gets up very early to cook ever morning- noticed their absence.

They headed inside and up to the room. Rose just collapsed on the bed, Dimitri quickly followed her. She snggled on his chest and wept softly. Dimitri rubbed her back lightly, trying to pretend that everything was alright. Dimitri only let a single teardrop escape from his eye, then wiped it immediatley.


Rose woke up, still laying on Dimitri's chest but somthing was differen't. Then she heard Lissa in her head agian, saying "Rose? Wake the hell up!". This was odd for Lissa, se didn't normally cuss, but Rose shot up and ran to the door. She could hear the dishes being clanked from downstairs. Then Rose heard it, the voice that she had been so desperatley waiting to hear for days. Lissa.

"Lissa!" she yelled while running down the stairs. A huge smile spread across her face as she saw her. Lissa wore simple sweats and let her hair hang natural down her back. By her side was Christan, whom Rose still was very fond of.

Rose ran and hugged Lissa around her neck, Lissa hugged her back. But quickly pulled away, anting to know what was so important.

After Rose had told her what exactly had happened, Lissa understood. She understood why this wass so urgent.

"Why didn't you call me right away?" She sounded almost mad now.

"Becasue.." Rose couldn't think of a rational awnser for her, their wasn't one.

"Oh..." Lissa trailed off, looking down.

"We get the results later today" Rose told her, Lissa immediatley looked up at her.

"Really? Like today, today? When!" She asked. Rose nodded her head and went to sit down on the couch.

Through the course of events that day, the baby was on everyone's minds. No matter what their thoughts on the matter, they all beilived this child was dead. Olena and Yeva whispered about themselves, talking as though they knew this child was for sure dead.

"Rose, the poor little girl." Yeva had said.

"We don't know that yet, just wiat it out" She told her mother, swiftly.

They talked as though Lissa wasn't in the other room.

Lissa sat staight up, then leand over to Christan. She layed her head on his shoulder and exhaled deeply. She closed her eyes and tried to remember what life was like before she had came. All the laughs they had shared, all the fun they had had. But then she realized that life goes on, so she tried to think of wht life would be like if the baby did or didn't come. Her mind came up blank.

Ring, ring, ring! Rose's phone started to ring from the kitchen counter. It rang agian ring, ring, ring! Lissa, consumed with annoyance was broken out of her trance from the ring of Rose's phone.

She ran to get the phone, and picked it up.

"Hello?" she asked

A genaric tone of voice replied "Yes, Miss Hathaway?"

Lissa knew what this would be about, she awnser instincitley. "Yes?"

"Well, we have the results of your tests here and it seems as though you are absolutley pregnant"

Lissa jaw dropped, she was utterly and completely shocked.

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