Chapter 11

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Rose turned around intinctivley, she pushed Viktoria back at that same moment.

But this was not who she expected to see, Sydney.

She arose from her protective stance and straightened herself out.

"Sydney!" she exclaimed. Syney was a bit taken back, she was okay with being around vampires but she still was very comfortable.

"Hey, Rose. I heard you were in town. Thought I would stop by and say hello".

Just then, Rose felt a raindrop on her cheeck, "Come inside! It's gonna rain soon".

When they were safley inside, they began to catch up.

"So whatever happened with that guy... Dimitri?" Sydney asked, requesting information on her previous mission in which she came to Baia to do in the first place.

"Oh," she felt her cheeck turn pink. "Well, let's just say we found a way to make him dhampir agian, and we are... together" Rose tried to explain the prior months events to her but to explain everything would take all night.

"Oh, really!" she acted suprised, but Rose knew that she had already heard what had happened.

"Oh, and another thing has happened..." Rose continued.

"You met casper the not-so-friendly ghost? Noo... You completed Mario Party 3 and saved the Princess. No that's not it... You met Harry Potter and Edward Cullen while they were having a fight on who was more paronormal? Sydney joked.

"Well, that and... " She went along with the joke that really had no revelance to what was really going on "I'm pregnant."

Sydney's jaw dropped open, "What? Are you serious?" Her eyes fell down to her stomach, then back up to Rose's eyes.

"Yepp, 100%. Ha, This little monster is growing like a... well, monster!" they laughed together in harmony just before they were called into the dinning room too eat dinner.


Later that night, Rose saw a dark van pull up infront of the home while she was sitting out front on the patio.

Her lovley Russian god stepped out, looking happier than ever. Why was he so happy? She surley had no idea.

Rose jumped from her red chair, meeting him halfway inbetween the street and the home.

His arms encircled her waist, cradling her to him. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pushing his head down to meet hers. They gently kissed, just basking in the moment of reunion.

She pulled away to look at his face, "Where did you go?".

His face was blank as if he didn't know what to say, he stummbled over his words for a momennt before he slipped a single word from his mouth "Turkey".

She accepted this and began to kiss him more.

The rest of the week passed very quickly. Nothing much of interest appeared, that is; until today.

When Rose and Dimitri walked throught town, doing some sightseeing. Then never expected to see a man directly in the way. But this man was not a friend, Rose could tell from Dimitri's face. Immediatley Rose knew exactly who this man was. Dimitri's Father.

Dimitri just turned away, abruptly. Walking back toward the house so briskly, Rosse could hardly keep up with him.

"Dimitri, was that you i think it was?" She asked him, worried for Dimitri's well-being.

He didn't even look at her when he replied to her question "Yes".

Rose decided that by the tone of Dimitri's voice, she better not continue the questioning.

When they arrived home (In record time I might add) Dimitri went straight to the room in which Rose and him were staying, slamming the door closed behind him.

When the rest of the Belikov's saw his reaction, they began to question Rose.

"Whats the matter with Dimitri, Rose?" Olena questioned her.

Rose was lost for words, she stumbled over what she would say before creating the genaric response of "I have no idea".

After dinner, Rose quickly retired to her bedroom to check up on Dimitri. He was laying on the bed, starring at the see of white paint on the ceiling. She closed the door behind her, walking into the room. She then went to sit on the bed net to him, curling up net to his body.

"You didn't eat dinner" She stated the obvious, trying to create conversation.

"I know" his voice was faint as if he was trapped within another time.

She gently rose onto her elbow "Dimitri can you just tell me why your so upset?" .

He finally made eye contact with her "I don't want him to come anywhere near this family, my family. He wont touch you or my baby. I don't even want him to come near this house!" he seemed fired up, his face turning a reddish color.

"Dimitri, he won't. Now, get your ass up and give me a kiss" She gave him a crooked smile then he sat up nd kissed her gently on the lips.

"How did I ever deserve someone like you?" he asked her, sweetly.

"I have no idea, but you are so lucky" she joked with him, then kissed him more.

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