Chapter 5

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Rose woke, dazed. The unfamiliar surroundings overwhelmed her, her guardian instinct kicked in. She jumped up, ready for attack. Then the dizziness hit her like a wall of bricks. She fell back down to the couch, gripping the edge to steady herself. The realization came to her of what she had last been able to recall.

The man. Was this his house? She certainly had no idea. But she did know that she was standing in an open style living room, and couch, a TV, and a lazy boy chair in the corner. She heard footsteps coming down the wooden staircase. Her head snapped that way. Not to her surprise, she saw the man from the street.

"Oh good, your up." he told me as he neared the last step. His shaggy blond hair hung in his face, he swung it to the side. His deep gray eyes peeked out under his heavy eyelids. Moroi. She could feel it in her bones, that he was not a typical man.

"Where is your guardian?" I asked, worried.

"He is gone at the moment, told me if i needed help-to wake you. He seemed to know who you were, he told me that 'I would find out soon enough" he said, his dimples showing though he was not smiling.

She stood up, to shake his hand. She walked about a foot and a half away to greet him. He was taller than her by about four inches, he wore a suit as though he had just gotten back from a conference. She shook his hand, he grasped hers firmly.

"My name is Tyler Jeklos" Over course, Rose thought. She just happened to be taken in by a family member of a man she had once almost killed if someone hadn't have stopped her.

"Oh, any relation to Jesse?" she asked, wondering-though she already knew the awnser to her own question.

"Yeah, he's my third cousin, I don't associate myself with that side of the family though, too full of themselves for my taste"

"My name is Rose Hathaway" as she said this, his face went into shock.

"Oh, so your the infamous Rose Hathaway. I was beginning to think you were an urban legend" He said walking into the other room and signaling for her to follow.

She walked into a musty, old kitchen, the walls were an old carpet style wallpaper. The chairs stood nearly demolished. This was not the home she had pictured for a Jeklos Lord.

"So why are you here?" he asked her, noticing her American accent.

"Well my...Boyfriend..." she used the word loosely "has family here" she looked down, the realization of what had happened just before she started running, coming back to her.

She didn't wait for his response. "I'm going for a run" she told him.

He looked at her sceptically "I don't know if that's a good idea, maybe you should lay down and sleep or something".

She wasn't tried and she knew it. "No, I'm going for a run" then she walked out the door, grabbing her tennis-shoes on the way out. Looking at the clock so she could at least time how long she had been running for when she finished. The clock read 12:39 am.

She ran for wha felt like a short amount of time, though the sun started to come up. She looked at her watch, it was now 5:48 am. She had run for nearly six hours! She started to head back, remembering the way she had came.

While she ran back she saw a familiar house. The old surrounding that had captured her eye, The Belikov Home. She ran faster than she ever thought possible, she sprinted all the way back to the rustic home in which Lord Jeklos had so kindly been taking care of her.

As she returned to his home she was seeing spots yet again. She wouldn't let it take her down agian, not again. She powered through it. Her clock showed 11:07am.

She neared the house, spiriting more and more. Tyler stood on the porch with his guardian by his side. Concern loomed in his eyes, she understood why. He knew, he knew she was with child. The demon that had destroyed her life. Was it still even alive?

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