Chapter 6

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[The Belikov Home]

Downstairs the Belikov family was busy making Black Bread, but Dimitri couldn't touch the stuff. The only reason was because that just so happened to be Rose's favorite.

"Is Dimitri still in bed?" Yeva asked.

The family answered in unison "Yep".

"Yeva, go tell him what you know!" Victoria urged her.

Yeva had gotten a sense, she knew what no other person in the world would be able to prove, well not until about nine months anyway. Yeva was trying to wait it out to see if he would go back to her and realize that she wasn't lying to him at all. That she was always telling the complete and utter truth to him. But that would make him feel back, so she just wanted to wait it out. Though time was running out for them to make up.

"How long has been up there?" Victoria asked

Olena answered her question almost as if she knew it off the top of her head "six days".

This was not a good sign, Dimika had never acted like this but he was one to over react. The family worried how he would react tot his news. the family suspected he would become suicidal due to his past, they needed him to get better fast.

"Dimitri! Get off your lazy ass and spend some time with your goddamn family!" Victoria yelled up the stairs.

Dimitri had spent the last few days in his bed, not eating at all. He knew that he was supposed to be mad at Rose for what she had done to him. But what if she wasn't lying? What if that child was actually his? Where was she?

He hadn't seen her since he had left the hospital. I hope she's safe he thought the he revised it, I hope that she and the baby are alright. He missed her. He needed to be with her right now, but he forbid himself, knowing what she had done to him. What she had done God knows how many times with God knows how many people.

But know? Who would she have done it with? Adrian was a thought that suddenly popped into my head. He had to be him, otherwise there wasn't any other guys that Rose was even remotely interested in, Right?

Just then the door slammed open, making him jump. He saw the crippled woman standing in the doorway.

"Вы знаете, что ребенок ваш не так ли?" she said in perfect Russian.

His Russian was broken but he knew what she ment, he finally understood.


Dimitri searched all over town for her, even throughout the day. He looked a mess, running throughout the town. Searching for his girlfriend-or ex-girlfriend, he didn't really know what they were anymore.

"Excuse me, Sir. Have you seen this woman?" He asked person after person with little to no results. Then finally he got some information that would be helpful.

"Yeah she was running, into a house. Uh, I think I even know what house if you'd like me to show you?" His accent was much, much worse than Dimitri's This was just a typical man, going about his daily business.

"Definitely" He followed the heavy set man onto a street within walking distance.

The street sign read 'Sherman St.', a street full of shabby looking houses.

Why would she ever come here? he thought to himself.

Each house had some type of mold on it, it had seemed. Every residence's house was covered in overgrown grass and dandelions. He stopped at one of the more cleaned up ones.

Dimitri knew this house. He remembered all the cracks in the siding, and beat up little shed in the corner of the lawn. He remembered the butterfly bush that had been planted there so, so long ago. He remembered bird-bath that overflowed with water at the moment. He remembered the tall oak tree of to the side of the home, the small circle of grass where no grass would ever grown, he remembered the neighbors broken down fence. He remembered it all, every single thing. This was Ivan's old house. It was passed down to another family member, or so he heard.

He approached the door, knocking on the front door roughly. Then he heard the familiar creak of footsteps down to the door. A man about his height answered the door, giving him an odd look. Then he bowed his head in honor at Dimitri, then opened his door. Sitting alone on a musty couch was her, the love of his life. She looked sickly pale, with a unflattering shirt paired with her usual skin tight jeans.

"Rose!" Dimitri yelped, almost in pain.

But she didn't respond, she just sat there, looking almost the same as when she was in a coma.

He tried again, "Rose?" this was more of a question.

The she looked up from her daze. Her face went from pure torture to complete surprise.

"What do you want?" she said, her voice was scratchy as if she were sick.

"I'm sorry, Rose" He respond end, his hope being crushed by the tone of her voice.

She jumped up, looking dizzy then steadying herself, she stepped toward him pointing her finger accusingly.

"You left me, you left me when I needed you. The only time that I really needed you. I never did anything wrong, never once have I done anything wrong".

"I know, Rose, but I miss you! Please give me another chance?" he was nearly begging now.

She deliberated for a moment, then decided on an answer, "No, I'm done"

He stood in the doorway crushed. "Please" he repeated, barley a whisper coming out.

She took a step closer, "The baby, I think it's gone"

This was a complete shock to Dimitri, he didn't know what to say so she continued.

"Well after you left me at the hospital, I was... upset to say the least. I started to run, and run, and run. He said that he didn't even find me near Baia, so I guess I had been running for a long time. But suddenly I just collapsed on the street, and he leaned over to make sure if I was alright. I woke up here and went for a run again, I ran for a long time like 10 or 11 hours. But then they realized what was happening" she gestured toward the two men "and wouldn't let me leave the house, in case that I go running again.."

After she explained her story to Dimitri, she saw looks of sorrow, to understanding, and finally to shame.

"I didn't mean, I mean I love you and you know that, I never meant to hurt you. I finally realized." His words came out choppy as if he were about to cry.

Rose had never seen him like this, so... saddened. She crossed the room and hugged him, her arms flying around his neck. She closed her eyes because she was once again in the arms of the love of her life.

Rose & Dimitri After Last SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now