Chapter 3

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All his knights including his brother looked everywhere but at him, they couldn’t look him in the eye. This made him worry more. How could nine fearless warriors be afraid to tell him something?

"In good time, but first change into something more comfortable," Baelon quickly said as he placed folded clothes into his hands. He looked at them all strangely before he stepped behind a changing screen that was placed in the corner of the hall.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" he asked as he quickly shed of his traditional cape. He was quite mindful of the crown on his head as he changed. The crown was luckily light on his head so he had no reason to take it off.

"We know sire, but it is a long story," Lunan said.

This just piqued Jayk’s interest more and he hurried to get dressed. Something dreadful must have happened to get his well trained knights so worked up. When he was done he walked to his throne and took a seat. He looked at each and every knight before he turned his attention to Baelon.

"Now tell me what happened?" Jayk ordered.

"Last night a young girl was caught in one of our traps," Baelon started.

"It is not the first time that a human fell into our traps," Jayk said confused as to why it was such a horrible thing.

"Yes sire, but it is the first time that a human was badly injured because of it," Baelon finished.

"How bad is badly?" Jayk asked.

"She broke her hip," Baelon said.

"What? How could this happen?!" Jayk's voice boomed. The traps were there to lead the humans away not to harm them.

"One of the ropes snapped and she was slammed into a tree with great force," Baelon explained.

"And where is the girl now?" Jayk asked, hoping the girl got medical attention immediately.

"I brought her here, I recognized the injury and I couldn’t risk leaving her to be found by humans. I couldn’t risk her not getting medical attention immediately," Baelon explained.

"Where is she at this moment?"

"In the tower, the doctor thought it was the best place to put her. At least no one will happen upon her accidently. The doctor also performed an emergency surgery last night." Baelon said.

"I need to go check on her immediately," Jayk said as he stood up quickly.

"There is more," Lunan said. Jayk’s eyes connected with his and he sat back down.

"I sent scouts last night to trace back her steps to find out where she came from, it was horrifying," Baelon said.

"What did you find?" Jayk asked, almost too scared to hear about their findings.

"We traced her back to Jayel’s house."

"The old knight?"

"Yes sire, we found him and his mate murdered." Baelon said dejectedly.

"What? How? Who murdered them? When?" He asked in a rush he couldn’t believe his ears, who would murder an old retired knight?

"The scouts are still trying to figure it out, but it was humans. The scouts also reported that the girl, who we believe is Jayel’s daughter, was chased into the forest, they must’ve passed her when she was pulled into the tree." Baelon explained.

"So whoever is responsible for her parents’ death is after her to? She must have seen the whole thing happening," Jayk said as he stood up and paced. There were a lot of unanswered questions through his mind, and now there was an orphaned human in his kingdom.
Just as the king was pacing the knights that were stationed outside opened the door and announced the arrival of Duke Magnar.

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