Chapter 7

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By the time the sun started to set and Lunan and Alexandro got ready to leave, Haylee couldn’t help but wonder who was going to watch over her tonight. Lunan and Alexandro bid her goodnight as the door to her room opened. At first she couldn’t see who it was because the hulking figures of Alexandro and Lunan stood in the way, but once they left the room she couldn’t believe her eyes.

Jayk bidded his knights goodnight before he closed the door behind them. They informed him that Haylee had already eaten. He nodded his head in reply before he closed the door behind them. When he turned around he was faced with a very shocked looking Haylee, but she quickly gave him a tentative smile.

“I hope my knights have been treating you well,” He said as he took a seat next to her. This was more awkward than he expected.

“The best. You have great knights,” Haylee answered.

Jayk nodded his head in agreement.

“They have been trained by the best,” Jayk said absentmindedly as he thoughts drifted to the old dragon knight and his mate who have been gruesomely murdered.

“I guess that it was you then who trained them?” Haylee asked.

“No, a close friend of my father. He was my father’s knight.” Jayk explained and Haylee nodded along. Haylee started to straighten absent creases on her bed as she stared around the room. Anywhere except where Jayk was.

Jayk watched Haylee as she looked around the room. He didn’t know why things were so awkard all of a sudden. His thoughts drifted back to Jayel when Haylee asked him a question.

“Excuse me?” He asked because he didn’t hear the question fully.

“I asked why doctor Tibult asked you to help with my recovery. Do you have some medical experience? Are you a doctor to?” Haylee asked.

“I have experience with your type of injury. My father suffered from a similar injury.” Jayk said before he could stop himself. He wanted to slap himself for sharing such personal information with her.

“What happened to him?” She asked and Jayk stopped himself before he could answer. He was annoyed with himself, mainly because he felt like he wanted to share everything with this woman in front of him.

“None of your concern.” He said flatly. He knew he was being unnecessarily rude towards her but he was annoyed with the strange feelings he was suddenly feeling.

“It was just a simple question,” She said.

“A question which I don’t want to answer. Now can we go to sleep, unlike some people I didn’t spend my whole day laying in a bed,” He said as moved about the bed to get a comfortable position.

Haylee gritted her teeth. This man was insufferable. He was constantly mean to her and she didn’t even do anything wrong. She only asked him simple questions about his life to learn more, but then he would shut close like a clam shell. He was nothing like his knights. Haylee wanted to scream at him, but since he was a dragon king she didn’t want to test his temper. Although he couldn’t physically turn into a huge dragon, he could still use his fire abilities on her. She decided not to say anything in fear of not being able to control the words coming out of her mouth.

She gave him a glare before she slowly moved herself in a laying position. Jayk sprang to his feet to help, but with a glare from Haylee he sat back down. She obviously didn’t want any help from him. Once she was laying comfortably she faced away from him before she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

While the human girl drifted off to sleep, the dragon king was cursing himself for being so mean to her. He didn’t know why, but his emotions were all over the place. Something that has never happened to him. He hated not being control of his feelings. He found something about this human girl attractive and his mind was constantly wondering about her. This was a problem. She was a human. Humans were suppose to be dreadful creatures, but there was nothing about Haylee he found dreadful. In fact she was perfect. What?! His thoughts came to a sudden stop. She wasn’t perfect, no one was.

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