Chapter 10

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Haylee laid comfortably in bed as she listened to Jayk as he explained what the Hidden Realm looked like. The Hidden realms consisted of five kingdoms. The first kingdom, Forestria, was the Elven kingdom. This kingdom was ruled by duke Ashell. A wise duke with long blonde hair, that is how Jayk described him.

The second kingdom was the kingdom of Dwarrel, this was the kingdom of the Dwarves. Haylee was a big fan of dwarves and it would be a dream come true to meet them.

“Do you think I can meet them one day?” She asked Jayk.

“Maybe.” He answered before he continued his explanation.

The third kingdom was the kingdom of Valerania. This kingdom was the kingdom of skinchangers that were ruled by a mountain of a man, Duke Argon.

The last kingdom, besides the dragon kingdom, was the kingdom of Faerenwood, ruled by a great leader, Duke Lyle. He was a great leader but you didn’t want to be on his bad side.

“Wow, I would love to see it someday, maybe when I get better…” Haylee said as she imagined all the places Jayk described to her.

“And when the creatures of this land don’t hate humans so much,” Jayk murmured.

“Why do they hate us?” Haylee asked curiously.

“It’s a long story,” Jayk said.

“I have lots of time,” Jayk gave her a small smile. This small smile was enough to send Haylee’s heart racing. Jayk with his super dragon king abilities immediately heard her heartbeat increasing. He smiled smugly inside as he thought, ‘looks like I have an effect on her, it might not be so hard to get her to accept me as her mate afterall.’

Haylee gave him a small shy smile of her own that sent his own heart racing and he cursed at her. How could she have such an effect on him?

He quickly cleared his throat before he started to narrate the tale he knew all too well.

“When my grandfather was king, he thought it was time that we make our presence known to the human realm. He decided that he would allow the portal to this realm to stay open so that all the humans that passed through it could enter our realm. Most humans that landed in the Hidden realm liked it so much they decided to stay without telling their friends or family where they were, they thought that if they told their friends and family where they were, they would only try to force them to come back. More and more humans disappeared in the forest and a detective was sent to investigate. His name was Haniel Flannigan. He happened upon the entrance in his search for the humans that vanished. He thought that my grandfather kidnapped them to work as slaves. He quickly learned the ins and outs of the the Hidden realm and when he knew everything there was to know, he returned to the human realm and selected a group of his best and most loyal soldiers. They returned one night and killed my grandfather in his sleep. My father and mother tried to rush to my grandfather’s aid, but Haniel struck them down and killed my mother before he ran away. My father’s hip was broken that night and he lost his father and wife. I did my best to assist my father while his hip healed. That following days the humans minds were wiped of all memories of this realm and they were returned to their own realm. The traps were installed and since then we were successful in keeping humans out.”

“What happened to your father?” Haylee asked. Jayk let out a low sigh.

“I tried my best to help him, but he got dragon sickness.”

“What is dragon sickness?” She asked.

“When a dragon’s mate dies, the dragon that is left behind becomes so overwhelmed with grief they literally get sick. A sickness that can never be healed fully. Some overcome it and the pain becomes more tolerable and others…others die from it,” Jayk said.

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