Chapter 12

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"Nothing new, just that this man whoever he is, is great at hiding. We have no idea where he may be." Alexandro said.

"And there was no one who saw anything?" Jayk asked.

"No, the people all knew the man. Trandell was his name. He was a baker who was adored by all and he was very close to Duke Ashell. The dukes want blood. Human blood specifically." Ryhan said.

"Did anyone note something strange in his behavior?" Jayk asked.

"No, everyone said that this man was on his usual trip to Dwarrel. He sold some of his pastries there every Wednesday. He always travels alone and his son manages the shop at home while he is gone." Baelon explained further.

"I don't believe this was a random murder. This was planned to the letter. And I don't believe in coincidences to. This murder has something to do with Haylee landing in this realm. Her father is the only link we know of. Lets see if we can find another link." The knights nodded.

"There is nothing more worth reporting. This was a wild goose chase and-" Ryhan started to say, but when he looked at his brother he noticed something strange with him and when he saw his brother's eyes he lost his train of thoughts.

"You- you found your mate?" Ryhan asked softly.

When Jayk looked up he saw all his knights and most loyal friends' eyes were on him.

"I wanted to tell you, but I haven't quite processed it myself." For the last hundred years their king has ruled alone and now he finally found their queen.

"You finally found our queen?" Logan said excitedly. The room was filled with excitement. All the knights hoped for this day to come. The day they will finally see Jayk find someone who can make him happy.

"Who is she? When did you meet her? Is she beautiful-" Hagan started to fire one question after the other at Jayk, but Baelon quickly stopped him.

"Easy there Hagan, let the man speak." Baelon scolded before all eyes were once again focused on Jayk.

"My mate is...Haylee." Jayk said as his shoulders sagged and he let out a sigh. Jayk was scared of what his knights might think about this situation.

"That does explain why we became so close with her and why we are overwhelmed with the urge to protect her." Evan explained.

The knights nodded along before they all congratulated Jayk.

"You're not mad?" Jayk asked as he looked at his most trustworthy friends.

"No, why would we be?" Logan asked.

"Because she is a human," Jayk explained.

"Jayk she is your mate. And we are thrilled to have her as our queen. Right boys?" Ryhan said all the knights nodded with grins on their faces. Jayk felt how an invisible weight lifted of his shoulders.

"Now lets go greet our queen," Hagan said.

They were about to leave when Jayk quickly stopped them.

"Wait! She doesn't know yet." Jayk quickly exclaimed.

"Why not?" Ryhan asked.

"Because I wanted her to fall in love with me. I didn't want to spring this all on her. I didn't want her to feel forced to love me," he explained.

"Well then you have to spend more time with her. And we're going to make sure you do," Hagan said with a wink indicating that this was a promise that he was going to keep.

And they did keep their promise. For the next two months Jayk spent every free time he got between meetings and sleep with her. Jayk felt the bond between them strengthen with each shared story or board game. The knights only stood guard during the nights and when Jayk had other matters to attend to. But when Jayk was free they would quickly make up excuses to leave the two alone.

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