What happened to Anna, Zack, and Mike?

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I never stated explicitly what happened to the three of them in the story. In the Level Up epilogue, I stated that they were all locked up, but didn't get into detail.

Anna was charged with one case of harassment (Lance through the internet), two cases of kidnapping (Pidge and Lance), and one case of attempted murder (Lance). She was sentenced to life in prison.

Mike was charged with one case of aggravated assault with a motor vehicle (running Keith of the road), and two cases of kidnapping (Pidge and Lance). He was sentenced to 40 years in prison.

Zack was charged with one case of repeated sexual assault (Lance). He wasn't the one who brought Lance to the apartment so he was not charged for violation of a restraining order. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

I did minimal research on the consequences for these crimes but I'm fairly certain these are realistic sentences.

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