(4) every rose has it's thorns

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*Thanks to Peac227 for the last chapter title, "through hell or high water". I sorta winged this chapter so it sorta sucks. Anyway. I was listening to my vibes playlist while writing so I attached a song from that.*

(3370 words)

May 6th

9:46 am

shirogone: what are you doing today?

kmskeith: i dont have any plans. why?

shirogone: i'm going to the police department today and was hoping you could come with me

kmskeith: i'll have to make sure lance has somewhere to go while i'm gone, but sure

shirogone: if he gets upset dont worry about it. i dont want to be the cause of him having another panic attack

kmskeith: it'll be okay, i'll make sure he's not left alone

kmskeith: pidge just said she can come over and hang out with him while me and you get this stuff sorted out. she's got a bunch of studying to do for exams but that's okay. lance still hasnt finished his latin prject so they can do school stuff together

shirogone: okay, thank you

Keith set his phone down on the kitchen table and continued to eat his breakfast, "You're sure you'll be okay today?"

Lance rolled his eyes, "That's the third time you've asked. Yes, I'll be okay. If Pidge is coming over then I'll be okay."

Keith reached over to hold his hand, "If it gets to be too much tell her, okay? She'll know what to do to help calm you down. If it doesn't get better, have her call me. I'll come straight home."

"Keith, seriously. I can handle it. You're acting as if you're leaving me all by myself. If Pidge is here then there's nothing to worry about," Lance leaned over to kiss him, "I can handle letting Shiro borrow you for a day."

Keith smiled, "Okay. And you better finish that damn project today. It's due tomorrow. I told Pidge to make sure you work on it."

Lance rolled his eyes, "I'm almost done with it, it shouldn't take me longer than an hour or two to finish it."

"An hour or two?" Keith chuckled, "That doesn't sound like you're almost done to me."

Lance shrugged, "Halfway done, then."

Keith stood up, kissed the top of Lance's head, then went to put the dishes in the sink.

They each got themselves ready for the day, Lance decided to do a full face of makeup even though he wasn't going anywhere. He just wanted to feel pretty. Once Keith was ready to go, he gave Lance a kiss goodbye and went on his way. Lance finished up his makeup then went back to the kitchen to do the dishes. Afterward, he sat down at the table to start his project. Pidge would be there any minute.

"Dad, I need a ride to Lance's!" Pidge shouted from the bottom of the staircase.

Sam walked out of his office and looked down the stairs at his daughter, "Is he alright?"

Pidge nodded, "Yeah, Keith just has some stuff to do with Shiro today. You know we can't leave Lance alone for more than a half-hour without him going into a panic attack. I'm already running a bit late because I had to get all my school stuff together. Keith already left. The clock is ticking!"

game over ♥︎ 'level up' trilogyWhere stories live. Discover now