Chapter 3

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*3 months later*


"Shaynnnne!" I yelled from upstairs.

A minute later I heard hurried footsteps coming on the stairs. Seconds later Shayne burst in through the door. He was out of breath with his hands on his knees.

"...Yes?...." He said in between breaths.

"I'm hungry" I said.

"You had me come- never mind, what are you hungry for?" He asked.

"Hmm how about white rice, fried rice, steak and shrimp, french fries, ice cream, flan and a lemonade" I rattled off.

Shayne chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I can't tell if this is a pregnant or normal Olivia order" Shayne said.

"I'm about to be mad Olivia if you don't hurry up" I said crossing my arms.

"I don't think I can get it all from one place" He said.

"Better get gas then" I said.

Shayne groaned and then left to go back downstairs. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand. My phone rang and I saw it was Courtney calling. I answered the phone as I looked out the window and saw Shayne drive away.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey" Courtney replied cheerily.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm about five minutes out" She said.

"Ok cool" I said.

"You want me to pick up anything?" She asked.

"No thanks" I said.

"Ok, see you soon" Courtney said.

I said goodbye and hung up my phone. I made my way downstairs carefully to open up the door for Courtney when she gets here. I was watching TV when the doorbell rang. I got up and opened it to greet Courtney.

"Hey you" She said smiling.

"Hey yourself" I said.

We sat on the couch together to talk.

"I can't believe how big your stomach is already" She said.

"Yeah it's a definite change" I said chuckling.

"It's like you swallowed a big ass grape" Courtney joked.

We laughed and chatted about this and that before Shayne walked in. His arms were full with takeout and grocery bags.

"What's with all the food?" Courtney asked.

"This one said she was hungry" Shayne said gesturing toward me.

"Did you get everything?" I asked excitedly.

Shayne chuckled and nodded. He headed towards the kitchen to unpack while Courtney and I stayed on the couch.

"Must be nice having your own manservant" Courtney joked.

"Well he is stuck with me now" I said.

"Anything you miss before being pregnant?" Courtney asked.

I leaned in close to her ear and whispered my response.

"It was that good?" Courtney said blushing.

"Let's just say he's very good with his hands" I said.

We both bursted out laughing which caused Shayne to look up from the kitchen counter.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, Olivia was just telling me that you're a very skilled worker" Courtney said laughing.

"Uh yeah I guess so" Shayne said completely unaware.

He brought out all the food and placed it on the the coffee table in front of us. Shayne nodded before saying something about working on the spare room before disappearing upstairs. Courtney and I watched TV while we ate. Here and there I would tell her about the various new challenges of being pregnant. After we finished eating and Courtney cleaned up she had to leave. Apparently Damien needed her for some video game thing. We said our goodbyes and I closed the door after her when she left. Slowly but surely I made my way upstairs and laid down on the bed. Shayne came in the room shortly after.

"How's Courtney doing?" He asked.

"Good" I replied.

I got a pillow situated under my head and moved until I was in a comfortable position.

"You're starting to take more naps than Keith" Shayne said.

"Why would you say that?" I asked upset.

"Huh?" He asked.

"You know how I feel, why would you say that? like, you put me in such an uncomfortable situation, like, you know I'm not happy" I said tearing up.

"Um.. I'm sorry?" Shayne said.

"Honestly it was really mean of you to say" I said wiping the tears away.

"Olivia, babe, I'm sorry" He said coming over to wrap me in a hug.

He ran his hand through my hair and rubbed my back while apologizing in a soothing tone. I swear I heard him mumble something about 'damn hormones' at one point. A couple seconds later o was back to normal.

"Shayne why are you all over me?" I asked.

"I uh- you- never mind, I'll be downstairs" He said sighing and walking away.

I just shrugged and grabbed my phone to browse the internet before falling asleep. I think I was watching a video of a tiny Asian girl eat fifty chicken wings when I fell asleep.

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