Quest of Royals

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It's been seven long years since Irseval took over Wyvern. I have grown up as a commoner with Timour looking after me and vise versa. We became a family. It was nice to know I had someone looking out for me. I was out getting rent from everyone in the kingdom when I returned to find Prince Bowan talking to Timour about one of our best horses. She would work every day for us and we loved her to bits. I had helped birth her. I walked over to Timour, crossing my arms.

"Vic, welcome back. This is Prince Bowan. He's looking to buy this wonderful stallion from us. He said that he needs a good sturdy horse that isn't from the royal stables. He came all the way out here with lots of money. We could rebuild the stables with this kind of money."

The prince turned to me. "I have become eighteen years old and I am now a man. My father has made mistakes in the past, and I need to fix them. I have a quest I must finish. Something I have to do myself. I will go kill Irseval myself and take back Wyverna in the name of King Arion."

Timour laughed. "I'll tell you what. I have a deal for you, young prince. You go to Wyverna with Vic and you don't have to pay for the horse. It'll be returned by Vic, I'm sure."

He looked at me. I was wearing pants, a baggy shirt that showed off my muscles, a cloak and had a hood over my face so you couldn't see me. Prince Bowan walked around me, studying. "I'll take that deal. This Vic looks like a tough guy and I could use a fighter on my battle to destroy Irseval."

Timour smirked. "You hear that, Vic? I guess that means our deal is over. I'll miss having you around kid. You better come visit this old man every once and a while when you finish this quest."

"Go pack quickly, Vic. We leave now."

I rolled my eyes. I gave Timour a goodbye hug before grabbing a bag to pack up just enough to get me through this trip. Getting on King, I waved goodbye to Timour while leaving with the prince. There was no way I was missing this chance. I didn't trust Prince Bowan, but I had no choice. I was seventeen already and no help. This is the closest thing I had to help. I trained my mind and body for fighting Irseval and Prince Bowan spent his whole life training to fight as a soilder for his kingdom. There was nothing more powerful then two people fighting for what they believe in who have trained their whole lives. This was the start of the fall of Irseval.

The journey started quite, but a few hundred feet into the forest, Prince Bowan started getting chatty. "Vic, is that short for Victor? Or maybe Vicran?" I said nothing. "Not a talker I see. This isn't my first time away from Servania, you know. Around the time of the fall of Wyverna I went to this small town. It was about seven years ago so I don't remember a lot. I was only eleven. It was nice to get away from that castle though. What about you? Anything you liked to do? Do you remember the fall of Wyvern?"

I refused to answer him. My only answer to him in all his questions was speeding ahead of him. Hour passed of silence again. Our horses became tired so we slowed down. I made sure the two stallions were fed and hydrated. I cared more for them then the royal pain that I was stuck with. He left for a moment while I took care of the horses so he could releive himself. King decided it was a good time for a short nap, but Princess was getting agitated. Since the prince had gone a little bit out of voice range, I spoke to her to calm her down.

"Hey, it's okay. We have a long journey to go still. In a few more hours we'll have to set up to camp for the night. I promise everything will be alright. He does talk a lot though."

We both laughed at that. I heard footsteps coming towards us, so I stopped talking. I was chosen because he thought I was male. It would be best for him to think that. Females aren't typically known for being tough. I guess that's why I feel more comfortable in male clothes. The Prince came up to Princess but she started bucking again.

Prince Bowan backed up slightly. "I don't get what I'm doing wrong? You're so good with him." she bucked again. "Sorry, her. I forget sometimes. Hey Vic, can you teach me to be good with Princess?" I nodded. I moved Prince Bowan into place and moved his hand carefully to her nose, having him gently stroke it. Within a few seconds, she was nussled into him. "Wow, that's amazing. Oh, I forgot to say this already. There's a river not too far from here. I think we should stay here for the night. It's good placement and lots of resources. What do you think?"

I nodded my head. I walked over to King, taking my things off his back so I could set up camp. In minutes, I had set up my tent. Prince Bowan was struggling with his, so I taught him how to make a tent as well. He really didn't know much survival information. To think, a girl could do better then a prince. Then again, my father taught me basic survial needs when I was only five years old. After helping with the tent, I set up a fire. I put my things inside my tent before walking off to the river. I let Prince Bowan know not to follow. After a quick swim in the cold river, I came back to start dinner while he could take a bath in the river. Maybe this would get better? He was a prince. There might be others who know him that will be willing to help us on our quest. All I was thinking about for the time he was gone was my brothers. I hoped they were still alive. I knew they were alive when I left seven years ago. My brothers weren't much older than me either, so they wouldn't be older than twenty five for the oldest. Irseval wouldn't be so evil as to kill young people who did nothing wrong. This quest would save them, I know it would. If not Prince Bowan, I would save my brothers.

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