Final Battle

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Irseval came running at me full speed. All I could hear was metal against metal. Fire everywhere, swirling around us yet not touching any of the greenery. All immortal flames, something that shouldn't hurt plants but can if hostile enough. He channeled it though his weapon, hitting me across the gardens. I stood up, looking around for Bowen. He was nowhere to be seen. My job was to distract Irseval while Bowen strikes first, causing it to be two agianst one. It was fool proof. Then again, Bowen is only more then a fool. He could easilly mess this up if he got lost. I was fighting alone once again.

"So, you certainly have a death wish, young Victoria."

"And you certainly want me to kill you talking like that."

He cackled out a deep laugh. "You believe you can kill me? I'm a god, and you are nothing but a mortal while fighting. This entire thing is setting you up for failure."

"No! I am fighting and I will win! I will be married on your grave!"

"Marry? I thought you were the tough one who would never love anyone?"

I swung at him, metal clashing again, causing sparks everywhere. "You've been wrong before!"

I was happy to see Bowen. I threw my sword at Irseval, cutting through his ribs. He grew taller the harder he laughed. His weapon grew into a bow and arrow. He aimed at me. Bowen couldn't see it while he was climbing the building so he could fight Irseval. He took a swing at Irseval just as the arrow left the hilt of the bow. There was no stopping it and I couldn't move. I was frozen where I stood.

I thought I was going to die, but in the last second, something flew in front of me. As soon as the arrow hit something, I was able to move again. The magic of his weapon was broken. I had cuts and blood all over me. I scrambled over to the thing on the ground near me as fast as possible.

There was a sound coming from it. "I-I told... you... you'd never be alone."

"Striker!" I cried, trying to stop the bleeding. "Hold on, everything will be okay."

He shook his head. "It's too late. Go...go save your kingdom, V-Victoria. Be the girl I knew and kick.... his butt." He smiled, eyes glazing over as the life left his body.

Strikers blood kept coming out of his body even after his life had left him. I closed his eyes so he could rest, blood staining my clothes. I stood up from my knees, tears falling down my face yet my eyes were filled with rage.

Bowen was fighting Irseval with the God Killer. Not only was he getting cut and injured by the scythe, Zera, the spirit of the weapon, was distracting Irseval and hurting him as well. Wobbling on my feet, covered in the blood of my best friend, fire blew out of my body in every direction. Fire so hot that it broke planters, set all the plants on fire and the flames were blue and white. The flames grew to the same size as Irseval. I screamed at the top of my lungs, fire burning him.

"It burn! My eyes, I can't see! You've blinded me!" He screeched, stomping around and holding his melting face.

I shot more fire at him, his skin burning and boiling. "Say goodbye, Irseval!" Bowen screamed, jumping off the roof.

The scythe grew larger, Zera's aura following the blade, power being as strong as possible. I looked away as the scythe cut through Irseval's neck like a knife in butter. Looking back, Irseval shrunk back to human size, his head hitting the ground with a horrible crunching sound. Bowen hit the ground with a roll to safety. He smiled, Zera giving him a high five.

"That was so much fun! Prince Bowen, we should fight together again! This is the most exitement I've had since I was made!"

I grabbed Bowen's hand, pulling us outside. The sun was rising. We really had been fighting all night long. I found that after Irseval's death, his monsters tried running away. Cordelia turned them all to fish, sufficating them to death. I walked inside, coming back out with Striker in my arms. George came running over, backing away slightly when he saw Striker. The others made it to us too, all mourning.

Rolande sat beside me. "What happened?"

"He got here just in time to take a hit for me. He knew the magic, and he knew that someone would have to die in order for Irseval to die. He did this for us all."

Gwenyth was crying, holding onto Cordelia. "Isn't there something you can do?"

"He died for a certain cause. I couldn't do it, otherwise Irseval could come back too."

I was taken away into Jagg's rod again. I saw my mother standing there. She smiled, letting me know what to do. She knew it would work. I blinked, looking at Striker again.

"There's one way. The magic of a goddess, a god killer, a Spell Keeper and the staff of Jagg, we can return any one person to life, but only once. If we all agree to do it, we can bring him back with no consequences."

Rathelia jumped up. "I'll do it. Striker was a good friend. I don't think I could find someone better then Striker as a friend."

"I will help, for you all are my friends." Cordelia agreed.

I looked at Zera and Bowen. "There isn't any sacrifice in this. Only the power of the god killer can bring someone back. Please help."

"I'll do it, if my master will."

Bowen left the weapon to be held by Zera. He walked over to me, holding my hands in his, looking directly into my eyes. "Striker wasn't always a friend to me, but he certainly redeemed himself as your best friend. I'll do anything for you, Victoria. Striker was a good person in the end."

We all stood in a circle around Striker. We closed our eyes, wishing for him to return to his body. White light shone around his body, healing it and returning it to full health. Tears stung my eyes as his eyes opened.

He rubbed his head. "Huh?"

"Striker!" I screamed, tackling him with a hug. "You died, but my mother gave up her spot to come back to life for you. This is the only time we can revive you, so you better not die again!" I yelled, punching him.

He laughed. "I promise I won't die on you again. Queen Servana is still helping me out even in death."

Rolande helped Striker stand up. I never thought I'd see the day, but Rolande was crying. Striker and him had also been best friends in youth, but later grew apart because of Rolande refusing to talk to him. I was shocked when Rolande pulled Striker close, holding him and sobbing.

"How dare you die! I was so scared!"

"What is this for? I thought you hated me, Rolande."

Rolande punched Striker. "You're so stupid! I stopped talking to you when we were younger because you wanted to marry my stupid younger sister! I never hated you, it was the opposite."

All our jaws dropped. Striker smiled, grabbing Rolande's face and kissing him right then and there. I turned to Bowen, making sure I wasn't the only one seeing it. I wasn't. I shoved them apart, hugging the two of them together.

"It's time to start over. Irseval is dead and Wyverna belongs to King Svenon now."

I looked around me. Cordelia and Gwenyth were holding each other close. Rathelia was hugging everyone, as cheery as ever. George was smiling at this all. Then there was Bowen. He was standing tall, proud of himself.

I ran to him, jumping into his arms. "The answer is yes."

"What?" He asked, confused while setting me down. "Did you get a wound somewhere? Are you lightheaded from blood loss?"

"You flat minded dolt! I said yes!" I said again, showing him the ring he got me. "Yes, I will marry you!"

Everyone's jaws dropped again, including Bowen's. "Are you serious?"

"I love you, Bow. I really love you."

He smiled. "I really love you too."

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