Calm Before the Storm

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I woke up beside Bowen once again. It was no longer cold. We had stopped a few times since we left again. I hasn't spent a night without him beside me. Getting out of bed in the mornings was getting harder and harder, not wanting to leave his side.

As I got up in the morning, I found that Merradath was gone. So was Striker. I ran to Coopska. "Where did they go?"

"Striker took Merradath home. She was feeling homesick since we arent to far from her kingdom."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "I know it must hurt. I've been through it before too. Being rejected without even saying a word. Having them leave. It's for the best though, Coopska."

"Princess Victoria, I have never seen Bowen more protective of anyone before. Not even his own brother. I understand why Bowen cares for you so much."

"It's just Vic. No need for formality. We're friends."

He looked at the oh-so interesting grass below his feet. "Vic... call me Coop then. If you really believe me to be trustworthy."

"Why? Because you're half elf and half human?"

"How did you know that?"

I laughed at him. "I live near Strongma. The little boy I loved when I was a little girl was also half elf. Just because you are half elf, doesn't make you one to steal like full elves are known to. You are not your race. You are your own person. You haven't given me any reason to not trust you. I understand how you've been with Bowen most your life. If he trusts you, so do I."

"Bowen is the only one who knows my secret. Other then George. The two princes accepted me right away, and I need to repay them for giving me shelter, food and over all happiness."

I giggled a bit. "I don't think I've related to somebody more. In my kingdom, when I first brought Striker home to play games with me, everyone was shocked. His skin looked like rock yet his ears were pointy and he was much paler then any orc they had seen. Almost a rock made from flesh. My father explained to the kingdom that the boy was from Strongma, a place outcasts go for safety and to feel at home. He was the prince of that small kingdom. Once everyone got to know him, they accepted him. I know he never felt accepted because of the first time they saw him they hid in fear. I was a child who didn't know of the dangers of the world and he was a child who didn't know of the judgements of humankind. We both learned of the realities of the known lands soon after meeting. The real monsters, even humans, that roam around. We decided to be friends no matter what, so we would always be protected from the other ones' monsters. I owed him and he owed me. Then there's Timour..."

"The man who owns all the horses back in Servania?"

"Yes. I have been working for him since I was ten."

His eyes widened while his face turned red. "You're the young man who did most of the work? But there was so much to do. The strength you'd need, as well as the skills."

"It's true. And I still found time to train and relax at the end of the days. It took a lot, but I was happy. He was so kind to me. I owe him everything. I wouldn't have survived this long without him. I'll give him what he needs to live when this is all over."

I walked around, taking my shift of protecting the camp. Coop followed me around. Like he was protecting me as well. It was a nice thought, but I hadn't need it.

He forced me to stop. "Vic, is that a dragon?" He asked, pointing to the skies.

"That's a Wyvern. A type of dragon whose wings are attached to their arms. We must be close to the Wyvern Ruins. Go wake the others. We need to travel now."

"Are they dangerous?"

"Not unless we introduce ourselves before they find us near their home. They can help us. Just go, Coopska. I'll take care of them."

The wyvern circled our small camp. Soon after, more came to cricle as well. Everyone was running towards me as they started landing. Three of the head wyverns landed directly in front of me, my hair flying back but my stance not moving and showing no fear.

The largest and oldest nodded his head, letting me speak. "Ach mah Wyverna sei Victoria nu prinsesse vone machde Bowen nui princee, Rathelia nu magica, Jovsin nui princsee, Rolande nui princee, suva Gwenyth nu Widowsa. Seeka passage uve safetei."

He smiled. "Victoria nu princess vone mach friendoes uve safetei agreemento."

"Savscka, Wyverns." I told them, bowing. I looked back at the others. "I introduces us all, asking for safe passage through their ruins. The eldest wyvern has agreed to help us."

The elders laughed deep laughs that shook the ground we stood on. "It might have helped you spoke in our native language. I am Wyca, these are my sisters, Isca and Osca. We knew your mother well, Victoria. I'm sure you don't remember, but your mother and father had you born in our ruins. You were born with such a power that us Wyverns had bowed to you when you were born. A god in a human body, so to speak."

Bowen took a step forward, bowing. "Thank you for letting us pass through your sacred home. We're here to get to Servania to rest and right to Wyverna to stop Irseval."

"Irseval tried to take over our land when he was created. Our home was once beautiful, something the people of this country had made for us in peace." Osca told us.

"He ripped it to shreds in his fit of rage." Isca added. "Anything you need, we'll help. Just call for us. We all want Irseval dead for good."

I think Bowen could understand the look on my face because he held my hand, making me look up at him. He didn't say a word, just gave me a hopeful smile. I realized that it was all I needed. No matter what happened with Irseval or the battle, as long as I had that smile with me I would fight for the rest of my life. I had a lot to fight for, but the biggest thing I would fight for would be for Bowen to keep that smile on his face. He would see the day he becomes king.

"Vic, are you okay?" He asked me.

I smiled brighter then the sun itself. "How could I not be with you at my side? We have a God Killer, we have magic and an army. We have people who are willing to fight for their homes. What more do we need?"

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