Resting Minds and Bodies

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Inside the castle walls, it was warm and comfortable. It's been a long time since I had been in the comfort of my own home. Walking around, it felt strange. Prince Bowen was in my room getting changed when I walked into my parents old room. We all agreed it shouldn't be disturbed as it was the last thing they still had. I walked inside, leaving a rose on their bed. It was my first time being able to grieve their deaths. I closed the door behind me, heading towards the closet. It might be nice to have a change of clothes.

Putting on a dress that my mother wore when she was my age, I started feeling like a princess again. Something I hadn't felt since I was a child. The door opened behind me, making me jump and nearly attack the person at the door.

"Jovsin, I nearly killed you."

He chuckled. "I'm sorry, Victoria. For what I did earlier. I have been on edge for so long and you weren't there when Mother was killed. She tried her best and made a deal with Irseval. If he spared us, he could do whatever he wanted to her. That's what happened. She didn't want the same thing that happened to her, happen to us."

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier too."

He laughed. "You know what you're wearing is the same dress Mother wore when Father found her. She married him in that dress too."

"Really? This dress? I thought this was her adventure dress."

"It was. She found it to be her good luck charm. Good things happened to her in that dress. She found her love wearing it."

I walked out of the room, laughing as I looked back at Jovsin. "You're implying something."

"You and Prince Bowen seem to have something unexplainable between you."

"It is explainable. It's called wanting the same thing. We came to save Wyverna. It's for different reasons, but it's still what we both want."

"I'm sorry Victoria, but I am going to tell you this now. Rolande, Svenon and I were talking. When Svenon becomes king, and after the current king and Queen are sent to jail for their treason, we agreed that it would be best to stop keeping in touch with Servania. Svenon is also planning your marriage already."


"Strongma and Wyverna have been meaning to make a permanent alliance with one another. He wants you to marry Striker."

"What if I don't want that? What if I'd like to see Servania again? What if we need the alliance with Servania more than Strongma? Why do I have to marry into Strongma?"

"I am planning on marrying someone already and it's been agreed if needed, Rolande will marry Princess Lolana."

"Rolande marrying into the Servania royal family? Don't make me laugh. He wouldn't be able to spend a day in that kingdom. He'd rather be tortured again then live there. The castle and the people of Servania are so different. It's a traditional kingdom with layers of wealth and fear stricken into the people from the royals. Death everywhere. I didn't have a choice but to stand it. I wish I was with you, though the family I made there was kind. Timour and his horses."

"Horses? Timour? Is Timour your love?"

I started cackling. "Of course not! He rescued me seven years ago, giving me work and shelter. I told him I was going to come back for him. He needs new shelter for his horses and I want to pay for it to repay him. It's the best way I can."

"Are you sure it's the only reason you want to go back?"

"Jovsin, please stop. I don't want to get married and I don't want you implying anything anymore! Irseval is evil, you know that. He would have done anything to throw his enemies off."

I heard the stomps of Barard inside the safety of Moira. I ran outside to see why he was here. Seeing what he was holding, I gasped.

"My lady! I caught a trespasser! He's wearing fancy clothing!"

"Barard! Put him down! I'll allow him inside!"

Barard put down the Prince. He brushed himself off. "Who are you? What have you done with my brother? I saw his horse come in here."

"Prince George, this is an old kingdom that is going to be resurrected again after this war for the Wyverna royalty."

He squinted his eyes. "Victoria? You're the girl we took to our kingdom seven years ago, are you not?"

"That's correct."

Prince Bowen came running out. He was shocked to see me in a dress. "Vic, you look... wonderful. And George, what are you doing here?"

"I came to rescue you..."

"I don't need rescuing. I left on my own free will to kill Irseval and take back Wyverna for the real royals of the kingdom. Our parents wronged them and I came to clean up the mess."

Prince George looked over at me. "You came here why?"

"I am Princess Victoria, also known as Vic, Timour's stable apprentice. Timour had me go to help Prince Bowen."

George kneeled. "Princess, I apologize. If I had have known it was you, I would have treated you better all these years."

"Oh, stop lying to yourself. You wouldn't have treated me any different back then. It was as you grew up you became mean. You were raised to believe commoners should be just that, common. You, the prince, should obviously have more than your subjects. In my kingdom, we were no more than our people. We used our money to give everyone a good life. There was no poverty like your kingdom. Wyverna was far from anything you see from your castle windows. In Wyverna, you do work or you don't get anything. If you want anything done, you do it yourself. That's what my Father and Mother always said. If I was Vic or Victoria or Princess Victoria, it wouldn't have changed who I was or who I am now. Prince George, you did something for me many years ago and I hate to admit it, but I owe you my life. If you've come here to take Prince Bowen back, I will not stop you."

Bowen turned to me. "You have no control over me as I have no control over you! If I want to stay, Vic, I will stay! This is my quest! You were following me when we left, and that hasn't changed!"

I smiled. Prince George didn't like it, but he agreed to something. "If Bowen won't follow me back, I will stay to protect him. My little brother will do wonderful things for Servania when he becomes king. I never did like what Mother and Father did. If you are rebelling, then I am too."

"Welcome to the rebellion, Prince George. And welcome to Moira. We leave before the sun rises. It's the only way to get to Nethurus without dying."

George looked at Bowen. "Are you really letting a maiden take lead? Shouldn't she be reading somewhere?"

I turned around, about to hit the rude man, but I had no need to. Prince Bowen defended me. "Vic isn't just a maiden, she is a warrior. She can navigate these forests better than anyone. She knows the only way to kill Irseval."

"A lady warrior? I guess that is normal in Wyverna, but a princess none the less?"

"I spent most of my days working. In Servania and Wyverna. Like I said, if you wanted something, you'd have to do it yourself. You should be grateful to me. I had to save your idiot brother from a certain demise."

Bowen laughed nervously. "Come brother, let's speak in town while collecting supplies. I have a lot to tell you from this adventure. We'll be sure to pick up something for the princess as an apology."

Watching Prince Bowen and George walk away, there was some sort of connection between them. Something my brothers and I didn't have. The time apart for so long wasn't helping us in any way. I just wish there was something I could do to make it less awkward. We haven't seen what the other ones have seen. We each have our own story and our own past. Something I will never be able to say is a good thing.

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