Work like a Royal

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Our next stop was a random one. We got out of the snowstorm but it was getting dark. We found a clearing that was out of the way. There was even a normal river to bathe in. I was setting up the tent when Bowen and Coopska left to the river.

When I was done setting up the tent, I noticed Rathelia was standing close to me. "I can't believe we'll be sisters soon."


"Something has been bothering me though. You said that Prince Bowen would throw everything away for the one he loves. How do you know that?"

I laughed slightly. "Well, it could be that I was there when you admitted your false feelings for him. It could be that he risked everything to fix what his parents did just to help a girl he met who was scared and alone. It would have just been a gut feeling again."

"You were at the shop?"

"Yes. What Bowen said about having feelings that could be used in a different way, made me realize something. I have feeling for someone as well, but I was misdirecting them so I wouldn't have do deal with them. I'm ashamed of it."

He wrapped her arms around me. "Princess, you shouldn't be ashamed of that. You're scared. The thing is, you need to take a risk to know if it can be real or not. I'm taking a risk being engaged to Jovsin. I couldn't be happier with him though. Be with who makes you happy, Vic. That's the important thing."

"You're smart for a mage."

"Of course I am!" She snapped. "I'm studying to become a Spell Keeper! I have to be smart!"

We erupted into giggles after that. There was nothing better then having people who care about you. Having all my friends and remaining family here was wonderful. At this moment, it felt like a vacation rather than a quest. Camping in a beautiful forest with those I care for. It was wonderful. I wished it would never end, but in a day or two, it would be serious planning to take down Irseval. Gaining allies and planning what to do once in Wyverna. Who goes after Irseval directly and who goes after his minions, who I know will be ready to attack once we get there.

"... remember?"

I blinked my eyes really fast, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Sorry, I wasn't listening, could you repeat that?"

"It looked a lot like this seven years ago when I found you, remember?" Bowen asked.

I looked up. Dark grey skies as if it were to rain but didn't dare fall on the already grief stricken people. The wind weak yet able freeze you to the bone. A slight howl of animals in the forest hunting for their food. I remembered the sounds of horse shoes on rock paved road. The sounds of people working hard for their livings. The feel of pain in my heart and tears frozen to my face. Then the sight of princes that could help me and the joy of getting help for my people and family. It didn't last long.

"It was quite like today, wasn't it?"

He nodded, rubbing my back knowing that it made me sad to think about. "We'll save them, Vic. Just a little while longer until we get there."

My brothers invited me for a bath in the river as I was setting up the inside of my tent with Bowen. Of course, Bowen told me I should go, so that's what I did. I followed my brothers. Despite being only a year older then me, Rolande looked twenty. His eyes were wide and bright though. He had green eyes like me and father. His smile coming and going as time goes on. He was definitely the most serious of my three brothers. He has the same blonde hair as the other brothers and mother. His hair was longer then it was when he was little, but he cut one side of it. It looked strange, but I had to admit that I wasn't upset by it. It suited the tough look he's always had. Twenty three year old Jovsin was the kindest. He was mellow and sweet all the time. You'd never think he could cut your throat in less then a second. He was the best fighter in the land at one point in time. He could take down father in less time then the entire royal guard. His eyes were also round like Rolande's. We all had round eyes, really. Jovsin had his hair cut, having his bangs swept to the side so he could see. Very suiting for the loving type who could kill you in less then a second. He was the second tallest, next to Svenon. Svenon was only slightly taller then Jovsin. If you looked at them, you might say they were identical twins, though born two years apart. Svenon is twenty five now. He refuses to cut his hair as well, sweeping it back over top his head with some sort of hair product he keeps around. He was definitely the older brother type. Protective of his younger siblings, he and Jovsin have mothers blue eyes. You could tell they were all siblings, each having a rough cut facial shape. Meanwhile, I had deep red hair with dark green eyes. I was shorter then all my brothers, a noticeable difference even from Rolande. I knew that even though I looked different, they would never stop caring for me. We were family and we needed to protect what we had left. Wyverna would not fall so easily and neither will we.

Getting into the water was the best feeling. Svenon washed my hair like he did when we were kids in the bathtub.

"So, Victoria, are you going to tell me who you're planning on marrying yet?"

"No. You'll accept him, I know you will. Mostly because I care for him very much."

Rolande swam over. "Little 'Toria has a lover. I can't wait to meet the fellow who has won her heart."

"Let her be. I'm just happy that she's found someone. I never thought she'd care for anyone this much again. I'm sure she'll tell us more when she's ready."

"Like how you didn't tell me you were to marry Rathelia until you proposed?" Svenon asked Jovsin, causing all four of us to laugh.

I was so happy to have my family back. "Svenon, when you become King, we will have to fix Wyverna. I would like to ask for one thing."

"What would that be?"

"A safe path through the forest between Servania and Wyverna. A kind man named Timour gave me the idea after he saved my life by taking me in."

He smiled. "I'm sure that we'll figure something out. For now, let's focus on the task at hand."

"Thank you."

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