First day

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I packed up my stuff getting ready to go to this cram school thing this guy that looked like a clown was going to take me to this school.He was one of my Parents friends.My parents had died during a car accident so I had been with clown face for most of my years.So now I am hooked up to go to this rich kid school.
I saw a pink limo and saw The clown guy person again and had gotten out of the limo.He handed me a unoform that was some kind of yellowish goldish shirt with a skirt.Let me just tell you this one thing clown dude i dont wear these types of clothes ok.But sure i had wish that i had said that in his face.But i just put it under the seat cushion when he wasnt looking.He said for to meet him in his office once I had a good look around the place.I got my skateboard out and started to skate around.
Once I got a good look around the place i headed to clown faces office.(Boring stuff)After that boring ass talk I got the key that clown face gave me.I forgot to put my sun glasses on.Your probably wondering or probably why the fuk are you wearing glasses indoors.Its because I have blood red crimson eyes. I know what your thinking Oh your trying to be like dave strider.No i just......ok yeah i ran out of ideas.
When thendoor opened. Everyone looked at me like why the hell is she wearing sun glasses.Well heres another answer Im just blocking out the hater ooooooh.Thats my cheap excuse.I just casually walked in with a sword chillin in my hand.Yeah fitches i aint afraid to hold this baby aroung XD.I looked for a seat and found one behind this pink haired dude.Everyone looked at me as I settled my stuff down.Shit.I forgot to introduce myself"Umm......Hello everyone my name is Alex.....Yup thats about it" Well its nice to meet you Alex."I looked behind me to see a teenaged boy who was probably the same age as I was."What the hell.Your the teacher you have got to be joking right." "Im not joking I am the the teacher.Oh and my name is Okumura Yukio ,but you call me Mr.Okumura or sensei.Take a your seat please
I looke around the classroom.There were four boys ,three girls and there was this person with a hoodie,and a boy with a puppet so that makes five boys.There was this boy with pink hair who was looking at me and I was trying to ignore him.He then wisphered to me something."Why do you wear sunglasses." "uhh because i feel like it.""By the way im Renzo Shima.But most people call me shima."Well ok nice to meet you Shima im Alex well you probably already know my name.""Pay attention Alex and Shima",Yukio said
Mr.Okumara was writing something on the board but I was so bored that I decided to draw and I may have started to day dreamed.Yukio then slammed a book on my desk wich terrified me.Everyone was staring at me.My glasses nearly fell off of my face."Whats wrong",Shima said."Oh its n-nothing I-I-Im fine",I stuttered.Then class was over.This girl with purple hair with weird eyebrows who was such a pain in the ass walked up tp me"Alex",said eyebrows."What" "Why aren't you wearing the school uniform"she said.I was wearing some black shorts and a blue and white hoodie with my blue high tops."Well maybe I dont like the uniforms here." "You dont like the uniforms here what are you a boy"I just stared at her and ran up to her as fast as lightning that no one could see me .I grabbed her by the caller and my sunglasses fell during the process.So she could see my blood red eyes.I dropped her and grabbed my sunglasses and my other belongings.
I took my skateboard and skated to the head masters office."Well,well look who we have here." "Hey clown face." "I told you tp stop calling me that.


I skated out to this place that looked abandoned.Clown face told me that two other people lived here.I made sure that my glasses stayed on. I opened the door with a key.I heard yelling and im guess fighting.I opened the door were I heard the yelling and fighting."Ummm......Sup."I just looked at them a while then Injust realized something."hey teach why you beating up a student?" "uh Alex what are you doing here in the first palce",said Yukio."Clown face told me that im going to be living here with you dudes.The girls dorms were full so I had to come here."I walked into one of the empty roomsw wich was across there dorm.I closed the door behind me.I had put all of my stuff down and pulled out my tail.I started moving it like crazy.Then I heard a knock on my door.I opened the door to see a boy with blue crazy hair" "Hey Alex im in your class my name is Rin okumura"Wait a minute where have i heard that last name before....Oh wait does that mean our teach is your brother"
"Yup.Im the oldest brother and Yukio is thr youngest brother." I had always thought it was the other way around" "Yeah we get that a lot "well Ok",i said looking at the floor.Rin looked and saw my tail wagging.I had almost forgot about my tail."Wait whats this."He yanked on it and I yelpped. "Wait your a demon." "Uh yes and I know what you thinking and im not going to hurt you." "Well actually no because Im a demon too",he said pulling out his tail.He then said good night and headed to bed. HOURS PASSED and I had forgot that I had homework to do which I hated.Yukio said that he was going to be checking on my homework to see how im doing.So I thought about and I didnt want to do it so I went to bed.I changed into my batman pjs and pulled over the covers and went to bed.



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