chapter eleven

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That night was the worst night of Alec's life. After the rest of his remaining family noticed him crying in Jace's arms, they asked him what was wrong, Isabelle repeating the question a few times, her mind racing to another murder. Alec finally composed himself enough to explain what had happened, pulling the mask out of his cardboard box.

No one in his family doubted him, although knew that it was hard evidence and they would have to dispose of it before anyone else saw it. Jace and Isabelle left to get rid of it discreetly, Alec staying glued to the sofa, trying to stop crying. Maryse sat down next to him, the sight of her weeping son distressing.

She put both arms around him, cradling him close as if he were a little boy again. Even though Alec was her eldest son, Maryse still saw him as her young boy, seeing past his mature features and how tall he was compared to when he was a toddler. She still saw him as she did when she first looked down at him, when the midwife handed him to her and he was wailing deafeningly.

The rest of the day felt like a blur to Alec, although a long blur. Jace and Isabelle brought back some food, saying that everything was taken care of and Alec didn't need to worry anymore. Jace sat next to Alec for the entire night, worried for him after what had happened and the way that he was reacting to the situation. He let his masculine facade fade to help Alec through his troubles.

Alec couldn't stop drifting away from conversations, getting lost in his thoughts. He worried about what Magnus was doing, what he was going to do, and what he thought of Alec. It broke his heart when he thought about Magnus and how he was so certain that Alec had killed all of those people. Alec wanted to text Magnus, but then he didn't want to push the boundaries.

Not even realising that he had fallen asleep, Alec felt his eyelids pry open at the sound of a notification on his cell phone, hearing the familiar chime that meant that he had received a message. He looked at the time on the clock on the wall, seeing that it was 7am, and that everyone else was asleep around him. 

His fingers fumbled around on the floor for the phone, realising he had fallen asleep on the sofa face-down. He flipped the phone open and saw that he had a text from Magnus, quickly sitting up properly to open the message.

It read, "Sorry about yesterday, I was stupid. Can we meet? I'll send an address." Alec wondered why Magnus was awake so early, feeling vain when wondering if he hadn't slept at all because of their argument. Alec, for the first time in a while, felt a smile stretch on his features, feeling like things might actually turn out okay in the end.

Alec texted back that he would meet him, seeing the address and knowing where it was. He ripped a piece of paper out of a notebook that he found in one of the hotel drawers, writing a note for his family that he would be back soon. It read, "Going to get some breakfast, be back soon. 

-A :)".

After freshening up slightly, he headed out of the hotel, walking chirpily to the address. He walked to the empty warehouse, knowing where it was from when him and his friend used to hang out there. They went practically every weekend, drinking or just being typical, annoying teenagers. There were lots of good memories there, Alec smiling slightly as he walked in, remembering a few.

 "Magnus? You here yet?" Alec called out, his words echoing and coming back like a boomerang. He stepped further into the dark, hollow room, not seeing anyone. He first knew that something was wrong when he could practically feel the eerie silence coarse through his body. All that he could hear was his heart hammering in his ears.

And then, his past caught up with him. It was ten times more terrifying than the first time, as he had escaped once but his chances of surviving this time were low. He turned around to leave, coming face to face with the unknown killer in the long dark cloak and the long ghost face mask. Alec was surprised that he didn't die of shock, trying to make a run for it. 

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