chapter nine

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Life seemed great for a while, for both Alec and Magnus. Alec had tried his best to push the awful events which seemed to occur around him to the back of his mind. Which hadn't been easy, although lately nothing bad had happened. It had been two weeks since Simon was killed, and nothing else had arose to upset him or the city of New York.

Magnus hadn't had to worry about anything recently, including Alec. The pleasantness of their lives was almost suspicious, and both of them could sense something awful was coming. While they both tried to enjoy the peace, the pair had become cautious to most things, small events making them practically jump out of their skin.

 "We should go out on a date tonight," Magnus proposed as they walked down the school hallway, on their way to their second lessons, his voice only loud enough so that Alec could hear him over the bustling crowd of hormonal teenagers. Alec looked towards him with a smile, "Where to? No offence, but I don't want to go to your house again. I didn't think it would be possible that we could be having too much sex, but I seriously think we are."

Magnus let out a hearty laugh, saying that he agreed. "We could get some food somewhere? A new pizzeria opened on fifth street, and it looks pretty good in there. My dad went with a friend and said their pizzas are to die for." Alec listened to what Magnus said, trying not to look upset today.

It wasn't anything that Magnus had said or done to him; it was a personal problem. And he had to deal with it by himself. It was to do with the serial murder investigation. Even though nothing had happened to him recently, he couldn't help but feel as though it would never stop. This person, whoever it was, would never stop tormenting him and those around him. 

Alec wondered why they had such a vendetta against him, and what he had done to provoke this unfair punishment. He had been nice to everyone his entire life, never said a bad word against most people. And the people that he did deserved it. He was just.

 "Your dad has friends?" Alec remarked after a few moments of silence, if it could even count as silence, with all of the voices fighting for dominance around them. Magnus laughed lightly, scratching at his head, "Yeah, now that you mention that, it is suspicious. He said it was a woman too; I wonder if its romantic."

Alec leaned against a nearby wall, as lessons didn't start for a few minutes and he would much rather spend his remaining time with Magnus, rather than sitting alone. "Would it bother you if you had a stepmom?" He asked curiously, crossing his arms over his chest. Magnus leaned against the wall next to Alec, leaning in closer so that their conversation seemed more intimate.

 "I wouldn't mind, but it would be hard. I haven't had a mother figure in so long, it would just be strange. I don't want to be that annoying stepchild that hates their stepparent for no other reason than the fact that they're not a biological parent. Plus, I want my dad to be happy." Magnus said, wondering if he was just rambling now. 

People walked past them, infatuated with their own worlds. Alec agreed that he should let his dad be happy, joking that they should drop by the baby clothing shop later on their date, which Magnus didn't like much. Alec said he would love to get pizza, and they could meet at his at seven.

Later on in the evening, when their stomachs were full of pizza and everything had gone to plan, they decided to take a stroll towards the beach. While something awful had happened there, it seemed less serious now that it was dark out. Almost as if the moonlight shielded the darkness from causing chaos. 

It was a beautiful night; the sky full of pores of a beaming white light, illuminating the dark sky it shone through. The path on which they were walking led towards both of their houses, although they reached Alec's first. 

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