chapter six

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Alec only took a couple of days off school before deciding that he wanted to go back, as the longer he stayed at home the longer people would rumour about how badly he was attacked. He felt better when Jace and Isabelle walked in with him, almost serving as his personal bodyguards for the day.

Police officers guarded the school, both because every victim so far had attended the school, and because Alec was a priority for protection. Alec was just glad that he didn't get followed around all day by someone; that would be embarrassing.

The first day back was hard for Alec. Everyone couldn't stop staring, both at his bruised face and at the multiple bandages on his arm. He was glad that no one could see the worst scar that hid under his shirt and sweater, feeling a certain control over the situation because of it. A few people actually came up to him and asked if he was doing okay, which Alec appreciated, but he felt like they were just saying it to get details on what had happened.

Alec was glad to see that teachers were still treating him the same, which was comforting and familiar to him. He tried to keep his head down and get on with the work, although in first period he didn't have either of his siblings and so felt incredibly alone. Simon was in this class, although he sat a few rows in front of Alec, as they were in a seating plan.

About halfway through the class, Alec tried to get Simon's attention, as he was bored and the teacher was letting them do their own work. After a few hasty whispers of his name, Simon finally turned around, a smile rising to his features when he saw Alec.

Alec smiled back, although upon looking further at Simon, felt his body stiffen. There was a dark purple bruise on the top of Simon's forehead, grinning evilly at Alec, in the exact spot where Alec had hit the killer over the head with his mother's favourite vase.

Trying not to make a scene in the middle of Biology, Alec put his head back down into his book, failing to not look completely terrified and shocked. His eyes were wide and he could hear his breathing pouring out of his nose quickly and repeatedly. After a few moments of feeling like his heart was going to beat out of his chest, he stuck his hand in the air, asking if he could go to the toilet.

The teacher said that was fine, Alec not wasting a moment before pushing himself up and rushing towards the toilet, scrambling down the hallway. He felt the urge to look behind him and see if anyone was following him, although was glad to see the empty stretching high school corridor looking back at him.

Alec turned his head forward again, almost tripping as he bumped into someone. A gasp left Alec's lips, getting déjà vu from when he bumped into the cloaked figure only five days ago. "Alec, are you okay?" Magnus asked, worried, seeing the terrified expression on Alec's features that reflected in his body language.

It took Alec a few seconds to recompose himself, needing to hug Magnus more than he needed to breathe oxygen. He clung to Magnus as if Magnus were his life source, burying his face into his shoulder and hoping that he would disappear into it. "Magnus, I'm so scared. I saw Simon and he had — he had the mark." Alec whispered quickly, Magnus barely able to understand what he had said.

 "Simon had what mark?" Magnus asked, pulling away from Alec but still keeping close, reaching behind his warm neck to rest a hand, circling his fingers and entangling straggles of Alec's black hair. Alec breathed desperately, "The mark that I gave the person who attacked me when I hit them — Simon has a bruise exactly where I remember striking them." 

Magnus visibly showed his shock, seeing his expression reflected in Alec's large, glossy eyes. "Are you going to talk to the police about it?" Magnus asked, hearing his voice go quiet, looking around as if Simon were right next to them and ready to pounce. Alec said he didn't know repeatedly, looking towards the ground, feeling overwhelmed. 

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