Chapter 5: My Silent Knight

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        The next morning I woke up early, way before my alarm clock triggers. “I beat yah!” I exclaimed pointing at my alarm clock. Today’s gonna be a great day. I said to myself. Mom noticed that I was kinda energetic today. She heard no complaining grunts from me because of pancakes.

        Dad drops me off to school on his way to work. “Have a great day sweetheart.” He said as I gave him a kiss on the cheeks. I was hoping I could bump unto Brad to tell him that I’ll join his band, well not permanently, but for the Talent Show only, but it was a tough luck, but  nor James, Brad, Connor or Tristan was around that time. Maybe I’ll see them in class.

                The bell rings, as I hurried down to catch up for first period I fell and hit my head through the edge of one of the locker doors. I can feel my forehead like it beats with the same pace as my pulse. I can feel a huge bump on my head. I tried to stand up, but at the moment I opened my eyes, the whole surrounding is spinning like a top. I was about to lose my balance and by the time I almost fall, I felt an arm or two that supported me. I can’t see clearly, but I can visualize the silhouette that it’s a boy.

                I woke up and I was already in the clinic. I got up and I can still feel the severe pain of my bruise in my head. Good news is, I am back to my old self and I can see things clearly. I saw Sam beside me with a guy named Jack.

        “Hey BFF are you okay?” I can hear a worry in Sam’s voice as she assists me to stand up. “My your bruise looks terrible, but don’t worry, a little concealer can fix that up.” And now she’s teasing me.

         “Your bruise will heal for like 2 to 4 days. The big impact caused you to lose your consciousness, good thing this young man brought you here immediately.” The nurse explains to me. I turn to look at Jack, “hey, thanks, Jack right?” he nods saying yes.

          “Hey don’t be shy, I wanna hear your voice” as I sat down beside him and Sam sat on his other side. He took a deep breath and opens his mouth. “I don’t usually cope with others that much.” He utters. Sam rolled her eyes giving me an annoying look, but I gave her a look saying Shut up and let him finish.


        “It’s okay, if it weren’t for you maybe this bruise could’ve swelled up. You’re the new student in our class right? Why don’t you hang-out with us for a bit?” I proposed.

        But I wonder, how did I even feel and hit my head on the locker door? I know someone did it on purpose to push me.

          During lunch break, at the table, “What happened?” James uttered as he strokes his fingers in my brown hair, to have a good look at my bruise. “I was looking for you.”

        Then Brad sat down in between Connor and Tristan. “Are you alright?” Brad asked with a concerned tune in his voice. I let out a big sigh, “Well if you think that dark purple bruise that hangs in your face that everyone can see, is alright? I’m good. I’ll live.” I said in a teasing way, but I wanted to tell them this couldn’t have happened if I can easily find you. It’s like I need to implant GPS’s in your butts so you could be easily tracked and I wouldn’t bother getting myself into more trouble.

        “Where were you? I haven’t seen you all in class.” Then Tristan, the band’s drummer, took a big swallow after biting his sandwich and, “We were called by the principal, they asked if we were ready for the Talent Competition,” then Connor added, “We said we were almost ready, there’s just a little bit of piece that’s not complete.” Then Brad gave me serious look, kinda like a we should be practicing now if you already joined look. “YOU.” Brad pointed out.

        I can feel like they’re blaming me for not joining earlier. “That’s what I was looking for you guys for, and then this happened.” I said raising my voice to emphasize that I’m almost mad, pointing at my bruise. “Good thing Jack brought to the clinic or else this bruise could’ve turn into something worse.”

         Then I saw Megan along with her douches pass our table and smiled at me maniacally, “Nice blush on Brookes, but I think you place it in the wrong part of your face. Too bad it’s permanent.” She said, “You look good though. A big bruise on the forehead suits you” She added. Then she winked at me.

        Then it came to me that maybe she was the one who pushed me that’s why I fell. I wanted to tackle her down and beat her into a pulp instead; I gave her a fake smile and try to stay calm, “Aww thanks Megan, why? You wanna look pretty like me? Why don’t you ask someone to push you so you could have a bruise and be pretty like me?” Then she gave me a rude look and walked away. “Brad, I’m sorry if I didn’t inform you earlier, you should be practicing now if it weren’t for me.” Brad nodded at me but didn’t say a word. “So are you joining us then?” Connor asked. I can’t say any more because they are torturing my guilt, so I just nodded saying a whispered yes.

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