Chapter 15: Girl Talk

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James and I went inside when the night starts to get cold. The mood inside was finally settled. Mr. and Mrs. McVey were calm and asked me to comfort James.

We headed straight to his room to ventilate him up. “Are you feeling better?” I asked as I run my fingers through his blonde hair. He only nodded back as he sips through a glass of water.

“Look, it’s not so bad if you’d do the first move. Why don’t you talk to your sister right now?” I sweet-talk him, but he shook his head, totally disagreeing to what I said. “You know, you should at least try to understand her matters. The fact that you’re a guy, and she’s a girl, you two are way too different, but being different isn’t such a bad thing when you get to know her better.” I am trying to talk it into him, but he just pretends to listen, I bet in his mind he can’t wait for me to stop babbling about me trying to fix his relationship with his sister.

“Look, I’m just going outside, maybe you’ll get to find it in yourself to over think what I said.” I patted.                  

It was a twist of events because at the moment I exited James’ room, his sister was outside, sat outside her room tying knots with a piece of string.

Slowly I draw near her, with a bit of luck maybe she won’t run away or maybe she’ll play nice with me, I hope.

“Hi.” I greeted as I kneel in front of her. She looked at me rudely, well maybe it is kinda rude because one eye brow was raised and she looked directly at me.

“If you think that you can easily get me with your goody two-shoes act, you won’t.” She said in a monotonal voice. “Well, I’m not trying to talk you in about James, but, what is with you too, I may ask.”

She lets out a big sigh and kneel closer into the wall, I kneel beside her to listen to what she’s got to say and gladly she opened up to me.

“I and James are not very keen with each other. Ever since day one of my life, I never did get to feel any brotherly love with him. He does what he wants and I make sure me out of his way so he won’t bother me too, that’s our treaty.”

I silently laughed unto what she said. It was actually cute they had some kind of a treaty they both agree into. Well me and Anthony back, there weren’t any treaty among s two, we just let all things flow in its natural way.

“Hey” she poked me, “I’m sorry if I was a bit rude back there, well let’s just say I did act very shitty out there, and I would like to apologize for doing that. I can’t help it, I did humiliate myself out there.” She apologized seemingly.

I only nodded back to tell her that she’s forgiven, but I think she didn’t notice that I’m trying to squeeze out of her the guts to realize whom she should be apologizing to. “Apology accepted – I guess, but I didn’t think I’m the right person you should be giving that sorry.” I teased, hopefully she gets my riddle.

She looked at me confusing, but I know that she knows who I’m talking about. “Mom?” she asked, I gave her the unbelievable I know you’re just trying to get out of it look. “Oh I know she won’t mind at all.” I said, “Still, who else should deserve to get an apology about what HAPPENED?” and I can feel that it’s already on the tip of her tongue.

“I give up, tell me, who?” and I was mouth – opened reaction that time, really unbelievable, no wonder James gets annoyed, just kidding.

“Well, I think your BROTHER needs it more than I do, don’t you think?” I said putting a stress on the brother word to emphasize James. “Pfffttt, him? Me, apologize to him? That’s so stupid! I’m not gonna do some kind of shit like that.” She scuffed.

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