Chapter 7: The Unwanted First Kiss

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        Full of guilt, he leans towards me and slips his fingers into the back of my neck, then came the most unexpected thing. He pulled me as his lips planted into mine. I tried to push him as hard as I could. But he buried his lips deeper. It came to me that I can’t fight his strength. I let my weight fall on me as both of us ended up sitting on the ground.

        My eyes started to burst into tears. Then he stopped from kissing me. I slide my way to the cold bathroom tiles, driving myself away from him, trembling and frightened. My lips were supposed to be virgin until college. My dad doesn’t even want to kiss me. He lets me kiss him, and he never lets me kiss or get kiss by other person. Somehow I almost died when Brad kissed me without my permission. It’s not that I am being protective to myself, I’m just being conservative. The fact that I never saw Brad flirt with girls, or even talk about girls.

“Bh-Br-Brad how could you?” my lips trembling as words come out. He didn’t look at me. I stood up and ran outside without noticing that my hair’s messy because of Brad’s hands ruffled my head as I tried to fight to push him away.

I took my bag hanging next to Tristan’s drum set as he bangs his drums loudly. “Hey Annie.” Tristan greeted waving his one hand holding one stick. I nodded back just so I could respond to his greeting. “What’s with all the noise from the bathroom Ann?” Connor asked. “Having troubles with the thing?” James teased. I didn’t get to laugh at James; instead a tear falls in my eye. “Are you okay?” Tristan asked as he bent down to look at me crying. “Ooh I’m sorry. It was a terrible joke.” James said, approaching me as he pulls my shoulder. “I’m sorry. I have to go.” As I made my way through the door, James reached for my hand, trying to stop me. “What happened?” he insisted. With a brute force, I pulled my hand and ran as fast as I can and didn’t look back.

I can’t go home. Mom will ask what has happened if she sees me crying. I can’t just tell her that Brad almost raped me back there. Mom will be fierce and don’t make me start with dad. He’ll kill him, eventually. So instead of heading home, I went straight to the park, maybe calm myself for a while and prepare myself if I see Brad face-to-face.

As children giggling and laughing as they pass to the bench I was sitting on, I can feel my eye about to collapse as the wind blows to it. Whenever I try to think, all I see was images projected on what happened between me and Brad, and how James held onto me. I raise an eye brow as I see happy people in every angle I turn my head. It kills me to see these people happy, look at me, so miserable and no one to talk to. I whispered to myself 

Then someone sat beside me, but I didn’t bother knowing who it was. “A park isn’t a place to let your problems out. And being silent is obviously not LETTING IT OUT.” That voice, it was familiar. I turned my head and it was James. “What are you doing here?” I said with an unpleasant tune. “When you left, I went straight to follow you. I didn’t come close to you because I know you’ll just ignore me. How about you, why are you here?” I turn my head away from him, trying to avoid his stare, because I know I’ll end up telling the truth.

It’s like his eyes forces you to speak up. “I’m just breathing in some fresh air.” I excused. Then he let out a soft chuckle, “I know you’re so smart that sometimes you even outsmarted our teacher. And I know you yourself know that you’re lying. Now, I ask you again, why did you left? Why did left me hanging there without even knowing why were you crying.” Then he reached out for my hand and holds it firmly. I shook my head; I can’t just say to him what really happened. “Don’t you trust me?” James asked. “It’s not like that.''

Then he went closer to me, and then he placed my head into his shoulders. He lets go of my hand from his grip and glide it across my other shoulder. “If you don’t want to say it, fine, I respect your decision. But can you do me a favor and stop crying?” He reached out from his right pocket and took out a handkerchief. He wiped my tears and puts the handkerchief back on his pocket. “Why, are you irritated from my crying?” I said sniffing some air.

“No, it’s not like that. I hate to see you cry, not because I’m annoyed, it’s because whenever I see you cry, actually this is the first time I see you cry, it makes me feel like I’m the reason why.” Then I pushed his head and let out a laugh, “In your dreams.” Then he reached out for my chin, “See? You look better with a smile on your face.” Somehow back there, I knew that James is my weakness for these kinds of things.

We were enjoying the cold breeze of the wind that blew and the sight of the children flying their kites in the park. I feel sane as I rested my head unto James’ shoulders and his arms keeping me warm. Somehow, in first time, James is the only boy I am capable of being calm hanging-out with. Guess that I was wrong for judging him back then.

Our moment was ruined when James’ phone rang. Just like how our pillow-fight moment was ruined when his mom called him, but this time it was different, it was Brad. “Excuse me for a bit princess, I’ll just answer this.” Funny because James gave me a nickname and it’s Princess.

I can hear their conversation through the phone, “Did you find her?” said Brad. “Yeah, we’re in the park. Hey, what exactly happened back there?” James replied. Then I heard Brad’s voice answered, “I don’t know, just bring her here so we could practise more.” Then Brad hung up.

Liar, I said to myself as I heard Brad. James turns around and reached for my hand, “We should go back princess.” I just gave a nod and let him lead the way, and still he didn’t let go of my hand. The only reason why I’m going back was our performance is for the sake of the whole school, they’re counting on us, and of course, I can’t fail the whole band, especially James.

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