Chapter 8: Silver Lining

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        For the past few days of practising, I managed to adjust my environment to Brad. Even though I feel a bit mad at him, somehow I find a way to let go and never look back, plus it would be very obvious if I stay away from him, the others will have suspicions, so even with a heavy heart, I find it easy to forgive and forget.

                “Gosh I’m nervous, I can’t believe the talent competition’s tonight.” I let out a deep breath as Sam brushes my hair. “You’re too nervous, stop it, there’s a tendency that you’ll mess up.” Sam said while both of us facing the mirror, as she ties my hair into a ponytail.

         “Do you know what you’ll wear tonight?” she asked while she strokes her fingers through my hair. “It’s not prom, but since you’ve ask, well to be honest, I don’t exactly know what should I wear tonight.” I said shrugging my shoulders. She shook her head and smiled, “Honey, that’s why you’ve got me.” Then she walked to her closet and toss out some clothes. “Here, try this one on.” Handing me a pink with white polka dots blouse.

         “I’m not singing in front of people dressed as Minnie mouse.” I said sarcastically. Then she hands me another one. “Uh, I’m just going to sing a simple pop song, I don’t to need to dress like a hooker.” Then she lets out a loud grunt, “Easy now, those are my clothes you’re talking about.” Then I laughed softly to what she said. “Fine.” Then she hands me a simple blouse with a black blazer and a ripped jeans. “Well I think it’s perfect.” As I visualize myself wearing it.

        Sam lets out a silent scuff, “well at least look presentable. And since when did you become a fashion expert?” I jumped into her bed, landing exactly beside her. “I gotta tell you something. But promise me you won’t tell anyone.” I murmured in her ear. She leans closer to me. “I promise. What is it?” then I gave her a rude look. “You have to promise me first.” She lets out a soft moan. “Fine.” She said sticking out her pinky.

        We use to seal our promises through pinky promises. “It’s just that, from these couple of days, James and I hang-out, it’s like every second seems so valuable. It’s like my day isn’t complete without him. Sam?” then she gave me that my best friend is obviously in love look. “Correct me if I’m wrong but... I think you like Mr. Rude Look Guy.” Then she looked at me maniacally. I let out a twisted word because she is actually right. “urrm...hmm...uh...maybe or maybe not.” Then she shoved my head, “Shut up!” Apparently we spent our time opening up. But still I didn’t admit that I have a crush on James.

                My phone vibrated and received a text message from James. I tried to reached out for my phone but Sam grabbed it first. “Hey!” I tried to take my phone back, but she extended her arm as she reads James’ text message.”Ooh from Jamesy Boy and he said, “Hey princess see you on the talent show :D.”

         And the puts down my phone, and still she didn’t hand it to me. “Is there something with you and James? And why the heck does he calls you princess. What the?!” she exclaimed as another text message follows; “Hey princess almost forgot...Pick you up at 8. Can’t wait for our ‘date’ XD” then she looked at me trying to squeeze the truth out of me. “We’re just friends. And he doesn’t know that I like him, oops.” as I quickly covered my mouth. Great! Now I’m done for.

         “Ahah!” as she keeps on pointing her fingers at me. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it knew it knew it.” She said as she dance to the beat while she was saying ‘I knew it.” She caught me, so there’s no getting out of it. “Fine, you got me. But please can you keep it, pinky promise remember?” then she placed her hands on mine. “Honey, since when did I ever break my promises? Well, except the time when I didn’t show up for our movie marathon, and that time when I showed up late on our science fair. Never mind that. I promise I won’t tell anyone that you have a crush on James Daniel McVey.” That’s what I always like about Sam, I can always count on her.

        Then she holds my chin and move closer to my face, “Honey, you need a dress for your date after the show.” My eyes widened. I knew she would say that, which is what I’m avoiding, a makeover. I hate putting make-up on my face. I’m not allergic or annoyed, it’s just I don’t do great in public with a make-up on, but since it’s Sam, I trust her enough to accessorize me.

        “After the show, you will ask Prince Charming James to excuse you for a bit so I could dress you up, my pretty little Barbie doll.” said Sam as she pinched my left cheek. “What’s with the Princess nickname?” she added while brushing my dark brown hair. “I don’t know, one day he called me that and until now he keeps calling me like that. I kinda like it, by the way. Makes me feel special.” Then she looked at me with a cute grin in her face. “You Cinderella, will have a heck of a makeover tonight.” She said with a smirk in her face.

                Only a few hours before the talent competition, I was on my way to Brad’s place. It’s quite cold tonight, so had to wear a coat and a scarf knitted by my grandma. “Hey Princess.” And there’s only one person that would call me that, James. I turn around as he walks towards me in a swaggy way. “Hey.” I greeted as smoke comes out of my breath because of the icy weather.

        “Quite cold tonight isn’t it?” he asked looking up at the sky. “I know right. Not a single star in the sky.” He lets out a big sigh then he exclaimed. “Oh! You’re wrong princess.” He reached out for my chin and turns my head at the northeast direction wherein I see a one star shining brightly on its own. “It seems like they’re right. In every dark time comes a silver lining.” I turn my head and finds that James is looking at me. “Why are you looking at me? Did say something wrong?” he shook his head and narrowed his eyes a little bit. It’s like he’s focusing on me. “I’m looking for my silver lining.” Then he turned away, and we continued walking. I don’t get it when he meant, silver lining. Of course I know what a silver lining is, but I don’t quite get what he meant by looking for my silver lining.

                “Annie, are you almost done? Yoohoo?” Connor knocks at the bathroom door as I change into my performance clothes. “Just a sec!” I shouted back. “Hurry, Sam’s here.” I can’t believe it, did Sam gained weight? Her jeans are at least 1 inch bigger. I came out of the bathroom and Sam’s jeans are falling. “SAM! I need a smaller size.” Then she stared at me quite shocked. “You gained weight” then she walks toward me. “We used to have the same size. That’s impossible. Are you sure I gained weight? Or maybe you lost weight.” There’s no time to argue, we still need to do a couple of rounds before heading to the auditorium.

                On our way, beside me was James with his earphones popped in his ears and my other side was Sam. She keeps shoving me in the arm as she points at James. I gave her an annoyed look to make her stop, but instead she keeps on shoving me. “Ann, you’re too nervous.” Brad said as he looks back. I gave a smile and said, “A little, hey, eyes on the road.” But he is right. Well it’s not my fault I’m too obvious when I’m nervous. I can’t help it, how come Tristan stays cool as he keeps hitting the driver’s seat with his drumsticks, Connor banging his head while listening to his tunes with his headphones, Brad staying cool as he sings while driving, and James counting houses while humming the song he’s listening to.

         I need a distraction. I tried playing the app on my phone Piano Tiles, but the shaking of my hand caused me to lose every time so I easily got bored with it. I tried to memorize my part once more, but I tend to forgot some of the lyrics. Oh no! I tried to recall and thank God I get to remember the lyrics.

                Out of nowhere, our van suddenly took a hard turn and I fell into James. I hit my face into his shoulders. “Hey watch where you’re driving asshole!” Brad shouted. “Ow! Ow!” I exclaimed as I touched my lip. I can taste my own blood as I lick my lower lip. “Am I bleeding?” I asked. James took out a tissue to wipe my nose. What? My nose is bleeding too? “I think I just hit my head into a brick wall or something.” I said in a dizzy voice. “Nope, it’s just my shoulders.” James said as he wipes my bleeding nose. “Wow, how hard your biceps does get?” then he chuckled, “As hard as stone Princess.” Then he laid his hand on my forehead, “does your head hurts too?” then I nodded, “a bit.” Seriously I can taste blood. I took out one of Sam’s make up and check from the mirror if my lips is bleeding, and it is. I grabbed the tissue from James and wiped my bleeding lip. As I wipe my lip, I hiss from the pain I feel. “You want me to kiss that Princess? It will heal faster.” Then I laughed at what James said, but I saw from Brad’s reflection from the side mirror of the van that he rolled his eyes, probably jealous.

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