Chapter 12: A McVey-nificent Dinner

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On our way downstairs, Mickey, James’ cat draws near James. “Hey buddy you missed me?” Carrying Mickey in front of his face, as the cat licks his nose. “Hey bud, I want you to meet my princess, Annie. Say hi Annie.” As he plays with the paw of the adorable cat, pretending that it was waving at me.

 “Hi Mickey, Boy, I sure wish I brought Toby. I bet you two will be great friends.” I brushed my fingers unto the smooth brownish orange fur of Mickey. He kinda likes it as he rubbed himself against my leg, purring. “He likes you.” Said James, enjoying the sight of his cat which is kinda grown into me, “He’s usually acts rude and selfish among others, especially to my mom’s visitors, that’s why I kept him on my room.” I kinda like Mickey; he’s like James in sort of ways.

                While James and I were petting Mickey, I heard footsteps drawing near to us. It’s James sister. “Hey grumpy.” James greeted to his sister with her iPod popped into her ear, she gave a rude stare at James, and she kept on walking downstairs without even saying ‘hi’. “I never understand her sometimes. There is no way of getting into her mood.” James uttered disappointingly. “Still, that’s not the proper way to talk to her, you’re the older brother, you should understand.” I told him but he didn’t care. I think there’s an issue between James and his sister.

                At dinner, “This is delicious honey.” James’ dad mumbled while he’s still munching his food. “Thanks hon, but it was actually Annie’s recipe.”

 I can see that they liked it as they gobble the food I prepared. “Actually the original recipe was from my mom, I only made some modifications.”

 I turn to look at James’ sister as she spins her spoon into the bowl of soup. “Not hungry sweetheart?” Mrs. McVey asked. “Nah.” She answered, and then she sets down the spoon and slouched on the chair.

 “God I’m so sick of you always doing that in front of people. Show some respect will ya’!” James yelled at his sister. “Why would I respect a piece of shit like you!” she answered back. My eyes widened. “Please not in front of the table, please stop that, why can’t you two just act as normal siblings for one day.” Mrs. McVey stood up as she controls them. “Can’t you show some respect?! We have a guest for God’s sake!” then she sat down as she relax her breathing. James stood up and hits the table with his spoon. He went straight outside as he slams the door. I set down my spoon to find James.

“Annie, I’m so sorry you had to see that.” Mr. McVey apologized as he comforts his wife. “It’s okay Mr. McVey. Sometimes scenarios like this often happen at home. Excuse me.” as I went outside to comfort James.

                “Hey” I greeted softly. I heard him snivel as he wipes his tears. “I’m sorry about that princess. I’m sorry I ruined your perfect peaceful night.”

I walk closer and sat down beside him. I rested my head into his shoulders and wrapped my hand into his. “Hey, it’s normal to have fights among siblings. It’s okay. I am used to that. What happened just now, it’s like how my mom and dad bicker with each other, right in front of my very own eyes. At a young age, I was already exposed into such aggression.” I told him.

His hold on my hand firms as he listens to my story. “You should be thankful to have a sister, someone you can count on to help you in times of needs.” As I rise he lets out a silent gasp as he points something from my neck. “What’s that? What happened?” he brushed my hair into my ear to get a clear view on my neck. “Oh you mean this.” As I point out the horrible scar on my neck. “Just a terrible memory that was left because of such mistake.”

I can see it by the look in his face wondering what mistake was I talking about. He tried asking me, but it was personal enough, and he respected me enough and didn’t hassle asking about it. But I can see that he’s really eager to know, but I think I can only tell him when he’s done fixing his sibling bickering with his sister.

                “I know princess, I’ve heard enough. But I don’t think tonight’s the right time.” He bent his head, full of disappointment. “I understand, but you must remember, the earlier the better.” But all he gave me was a nod. I release a loud moan, “James, I know you won’t do it, not without me.” He suddenly looked at me, so shocked; I know he thinks I’m right. “Do you want me to talk to her?” I said with a sweet and begging voice, I would be gladly to do it, because I would love to meet her sister, but I was just being sarcastic. He shook his head, disagreeing on my suggestion. “Why not? It’s not like she’s very tern on people she should talk to.” He shook his head again. “I’m afraid she’ll get mad at you too. She’s too criticizing about almost everything.” I scrunch my nose; I chose to ignore his viewpoint about his sister.

                I know it’s a little bit personal to tell him, but I ask him first; whether he tells me about his issue to his sister or not, I will wait for him to tell it to me first. It’s not that I don’t trust James; I actually have a great reliance on him when it comes to personal secrets, the fact is; this personal secret is not just a simple secret, it has something to do with the horrible scar on my neck. As I said, this scar was a mark of my most terrible memory that scarred me for the rest of my childhood, and still haunts me in my nightmares.

 No matter how deep a blade cuts in through the skin, it always heals at the right time, but leaves a scar that portrays the sharpness of the blade that pierced among you.

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