8 : Interrogation
"So, who was he Y/N?" Misun casually asked, as all three girls leaned forward.
"Who? What are you talking about?" I asked, confused
"Oh, you know who. That guy, you know the one you met at the bench," Areum said.
"What?" I replied, still confused.
"You know, at the park nearby. You were standing there talking with some guy. Around, what? 5:45 ish," Yoohyun added.
"Oh, and you might be wondering how we saw you. Well you see—"Areum started.
"Areum was a little late and we were walking to the mall and—" Misun said, cutting Areum off.
"And Misun spotted you across the street and pointed you out to us," Areum finished.
"What? Guys, that was nothing. I don't even know his name," I told them, sighing. "He's just a photographer."
"Then why were you guys talking at that bench?" Did he want to take your picture? You know you should be careful Y/N, you never know with men," Yoonhyun said, acting like my mom.
"My god, Yoonhyun. You should like your my mom! And—" I started.
"Well, I am the oldest," Yoonhyun commented, smirking slightly.
"Oh shut up!" Misun exclaimed.
"Let her finish," Areum said
"Anyway, and no he was not taking my picture. I was getting a photo developed, and he was giving it to me since I wasn't able to visit his store while it was open. Why do you guys make it like such a big deal," I told them.
"Wow, special service huh, Y/N," Areum said. "Are you sure there's nothing going on between you two?"
"No. I'm very sure there's nothing going on. You guys are so bad! I've run into him once at that bench, ok! What is wrong with you guys. Is it that hard to understand? And why do you guys care anyway? It's not like Yoonhyun doesn't have a boyfriend. Why don't you guys question her? And Misun don't say that you aren't with someone," I told them, exasperated. They all stayed silent as I turned off the TV. I got up and walked upstairs to my room. I got ready for bed, and went to turn off the light. Before I ruined the light off, I glanced at the picture. I sighed, turned the lights off, and went to bed.
Lily || Day6 Young K
Fanfictionlily: n. a bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers on a tall, slender stem. Lilies have long been cultivated, some kinds being of symbolic importance and some used in perfumery. After being cut, lilies can last up to 2 w...