Was She Really Not To Blame?

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Meanwhile Yeonwoo was eating at Balaji

Nancy's POV

Hah! What are you gonna do now?

I've been laughing here for the past few minutes about her fan's reactions. So immature and stupid, tsk.

Suddenly, someone smacked my head. "Owww~~~!" I rubbed my head and turned around with a glare at the standing bubbly and now raging person.

"Yah! Stop abominating someone who never did anything to you!" "I don't care! Her halaboji is such a jerk!" "Don't you talk back to me Nancy! It's not even her fault!" "Wh---Yes it also is! She's his grand daughter! She's just the same!" "How am I ever gonna stop you" She massaged her temples and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Nancy, it's not her fault. Don't blame others when it isn't even their wrong. So please, stop this" "Why did you even come here?" I sat indian style on my computer chair and calmed down.

"To tell you to stop before something happens to you. Duh? You think I'm stupid? I saw your comments" She... She did? "No one can stop me for defending my parent's and my sister, even you Jooe" I frowned. She walked to me and let me stand, she hugged me and patted my back.

"I know Nancy, I'm sorry about that but you were wrong as well. Stop this, please. You're being immature and stupid." Ouch, just what I labeled her fans. Is it karma? Jooe broke the hug and held my hands, pleading like a puppy.

I do feel bad for making my best friend sad but...shit, I have to think what I even did.

It's not me. I'm never like this. I never judge easily.

I started to bash her with my mouth since last month. It's my first time to do it online.

Uwaaaaaaa what if they kill me?!

"I'll think Jooe" "Please do, you always bash her but you got carried away by doing it online for the first time.
And on her birthday to sum it up" I just nodded. "I'll go home now. Call me when you need me Nancy" I walked her to the gate and bid my goodbye.

I went to my room and dived on my bed, hugging the long pillow and contemplated about what I fucking just did earlier. If you're confused why I'm doing this, I'll tell you.

My Dad was a business man, a successful one. Dad was best friends with Lee Jung Bin since they were little and are business partners. It was there dream, to have successful companies. The time came when they both held a partnership party for both companies and lots of rich people were invited. It wasn't a formal kind of party, lots are dancing on the dance floor, a DJ, disco lights, beverages light and hard. In the middle of the wonderful and joyous event, Lee Jung Min dissapeared so Dad decided to find his friend. He heard Lee Jung Bin's scared voice on the fire exit of the roof so he eavesdropped. He peeked on the slightly opened door and what he saw shocked him. It was Lee Kyung, Lee Jung Bin's father, holding a gun and pointed it at him. They weren't the only people there, there was also Lee Da Bok, Lee Jung Bin's wife. She was holding the hand of a young girl, hiding behind her. Yes, it was none other than Lee Dabin.

"Give me Lee Dabin! I'll raise her strictly like how she should be raised! Not being babied all the time!" Lee Kyung shouted.

"She's not being babied Appa! We raised her well with a kind heart!" That was what Lee Jung Bin said. His wife was behind him, being protected from him, crying and hugging their little daughter.

"Stop talking nonsense! She's never happy being treated a weakling like you! Yes you succeeded on the company, but you never succeeded to be a son I wanted to have! Since you married that woman and had that child, your first priority is having time with them! You never give time to find a better and richer partner for the company!" Then, Lee Jung Bin was shot, right at the head.

Next to die, Lee Da Bok. Lee Dabin kept crying and holding her parent's hands, hoping they were still alive.

"Come Lee Dabin, let's leave these shame of the Lee's" He said as he gripped her wrist and called for his men to clean his mess.

"Halaboji! Why are you doing this?!" "I had to! You can't understand yet so shut up!" "Eomma! Appa!" "Lee Dabin! Let's go!" "Aniyo! I don't want to be with you halaboji! Eomma! Appa!" Lee Kyung had struggles with her so he did what he had to do. He banged her head with the gun, making her faint.

"Darling, what are you doing here? We've been looking for you" My Mom. Me, my mom and Brenda unnie was looking everywhere for Dad who seemed so shocked. He whispered to us what happened and that was a bad idea.

We should have immediately ran away and talk when we were safe, but no. It was a mistake. A regretful mistake.

We looked at the door and there Lee Kyung was, holding his granddaughter in his shoulder and stared at us with a scowl on his face.

"Richard McDonie, don't you know that it's bad to eavesdrop?" I immediately hid on the corner when Brenda unnie sneakily gestured me to. Then, I heard bangs!

My heart broke to see my family fall down dead, with blood on their clothes. I was crying while running down the stairs, but I was silent. I succeeded to escape and ran away from that place by myself.

I was still 5 and I already lived alone, isolated in the house. I wasn't that struggled, my family raised me to be independent.

I got the house for myself for 14 years, but those years weren't all lonely. Jooe, Daisy and Ahin was there for me. But there wasn't a day that I wasn't lonely.

The majority of days I lived were lonely and heart breaking. It was hard to move on, it was hard to forget. It was hard not to cry and feel depressed.

Was I lucky to be alive? Does God have something for me in the near future so that's why he kept me alive?

But I shouldn't worry that for now. I should think more about what I did rather than remember a painful memory.

Past is Past. We don't need it to be discussed.

Leaving my family because they let me so I could live for my future and for them
Did I do what's right? Or wrong?

Crying all over about the past and get heart broken over and over again
Was it right? Or wrong?

Despising someone related to the person I actually despise
Is she to blame? Or was she really not to blame?

Fuck my life. Do I really know the differences of what's right and what's wrong?

Jooe's right, and I know she is.

That I am immature and stupid.

Here it is! Nancy unnie's POV. I was a bit complicated on what to write here! I'm a bit dizzy right now but I think I'm ok. It's what I think though. I have sleep paralysis 😖😭 but I bare with it. Here is Chapter 3 guys! I know there aren't many readers reading my story yet but I'll try my best to catch your eyes. Lol. Anyways, I'm not sure if I'll be writing today Chapter 4 but I'm excited to start it because it's the chapter where our ultimate ship will finally meet! Gosh, I'm excited myself. Until next time! Anyeong chinggu💞

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