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Yow I'm back! Oh! Happy New Year jagi! Hope you'll have a great year!

Yeonwoo's POV

I plopped on my bed and Yoreum climbed up with his dirty paws so I shooed him.

How'd he get dirty?

"Yah! Where have you been? Why are you so dirty?" I scolded him but he just barked and went down to his bed.

I was about to give him food when my phone rang by an unknown number.

"Anyeong? This is Lee Da--" "Yeonwoo unnie, is this you?"


My eyes got wide and I clamped my mouth with my free hand.

Damn it! I almost spilled it!

"Wh-who is this?" I asked and placed some dog food on Yoreum's food bowl who dug in after I gestured him to.

"Can't you tell by my voice?" I heard her giggle and I swear, I almost awed at that adorable sound only she that makes.

Although I already know by her adorable sweet voice, I still had to ask, it would be weird maybe if I knew immediately.

"It's me, Nancy. I asked your number from Taehanie"

Dang! That cute voice!

"Oh" Was all that came out of my stupid dumb mouth.

"By the way, I'm sorry for what I did earlier to you" Earlier? What happened earlier?

"Wh-what do you mean?" "You know, b-b-being suddenly c-close and t-t-t-t-touching you, I'm really sorry, I was such an embarassement" I did know that she sounds sad and sorry.

Of course I couldn't forget that.

Damn, she's making me think that she never harmed me.

"Oh that. Forget it, it wasn't such a big deal for me anyways" I shrugged and walked to the balcony to rest my arms on the baluster and slouched.

"O-oh, really. Uhhh I'm sorry if I suddenly called... I was just curious that maybe I b-b-bothered you and made you uncomfortable earlier" Why does she keep on stuttering?

"Nah. Don't worry about it, I was enjoying a bit as well to have more company" Did I really enjoy? Dunno either.

"Oh, by the way, do you know Lee Dabin?" I asked her and smirked. Let's see what she thinks.

"Yeah, kinda" "How?" "Long story, but I tried to bash her but I r-r-regretted it. I know that she never did anything but I did it. I felt bad, I got carried away by thinking negatively about her" Eh? What does she mean? Damn, she's confusing the hell out of me. "Everytime I see her picture or on T.V, my mind would think that she's the enemy" Yah! I'm not bad! I don't wanna be the villain here

"Why?" "Because..... I'm not ready to tell someone that I haven't known well yet, I'm really sorry" Why does she sound like she's crying? Her voice just cracked and I never failed to notice.

Is she crying?

"Hmmm just tell me little details, don't worry, I won't judge" I sighed and closed my eyes.

"It's her grandpa" At that, my eyes opened wide and I gasped.

Why is he involved?

"What did he do?" "I'm really sorry... I can't say why, how and what" Argh! I'm fucking curious right now and maybe I can't even rest!

"How can I make you tell me?" Am I being desperate? I heard her giggle "Let's get to know each other, that way, you could gain my trust" That's easy as fuck!

"Hmmm how?" "Let's see each other often, going on cafe's and such" I can tell she's happy about the idea but fuck, I take it back, it's not easy at all! I get to meet her and......... Aaaarrrgghhh!

"Well, I don't know if when I'd be free tho, I'll tell you if I am" "Thanks" "Anyways, what do you think about Lee Dabin's looks?" Here is it again, I'm being egotistical, can't help not being it.

"I...... I honestly think she's....... Fucking drop dead gorgeous" She whispered the last part as if she was embarrassed to admit. Dang it, I feel hot!

"A-a-and, she's hot, I think" I smirked and chuckled. "Don't bash her anymore or you'll fall deeper for her" "Wh-what?" "I'll be sleeping now Nancy, nice talking to you tho" "Eh?" "Don't make that Lee Kyung jerk hurt you, call me if he'll try and I'll be the one to bring him into pieces"

Yeah right, I'm talking like I have such powers

You're being ridiculous Yeonwoo

"Unnie" Shit, the way she calls me unnie is too much! Too adorable!

"Yes?" "Thank you for givimg me time" I honestly smiled at that.

"Anytime, now sleep well, you're beautiful and cute you know" How did that even blurt out from my mouth? I sound like I'm fucking concerned. Well, am I concerned?

"Th-Th-Thank y-y-you u-unnie, you as well" Heck, I can tell she's blushing right now, hmmm probably flustered.

I ended the call and turned around, diving on my bed with a wide smile.

I lifted my head and Yoreum was staring at me and my smile turned into a toothy grin.

"It's been a funny day boy, I talked with an angelic basher who never knew I'm the one" He lied and looked away from me so I positioned myself to sleep. But one question kept bugging me.

"What did my grandpa do?" I blinked twice and stared blankly at the cream painted ceiling of my room.

What a small world...

I'm back!!! Anyways, Happy New Year 💞💞💞!

I'm finally back on updating after a fun memorable trip, aish, I got emotional when we had to go home and bid goodbye💔

Anyways, funny story, the screen of my phone got cracked without me knowing why it even fucking happened😆 but my phone functions well like it doesn't even have a bad crack

Lol, I hope you'll love this chapter as well, even tho it's not so good? Dunno hehe... Oh, did you found the part of BBOOM BBOOM here? I just realized it while writing as well😆

Believe me, I'm happy lots of you are  reading mah stoweeeyyy...

Fact about me: I'm an Otaku! (YAY!)😆

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