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"You're my home"

"So you're telling me Seokjin is here and you want me to go home?" Namjoon pointed to himself

"You make it sound bad..b-but yes" Taehyung scratched the back of his neck

Namjoon took a big breath of air to calm himself down.Why would he be kicked out instead of the liar?It wasn't fair.

But he still loved Seokjin,he was a total immature piece of shit when he left their shared place.He wasn't ready to apologize for his stupid behavior,nor to listen to seokjin's apologies.

"Okay,have fun" he smiled,patting Yoongi's fluffy hair before gathering his things and stepping out of the apartment.

"Namjoon wait!" Seokjin shouted,running towards the door

"Take my shoes and coat and go"

"I would never wear someone else's dirty shoes Taehyung,have some respect," the oldest scoffed,neatly tying his shoelaces.

"But I need your coat,thanks" he added,chasing after his boyfriend,hoping to get him back

Jimin locked the door,laughing.

"He was a total..."

"Wreck?" Yoongi asked

"Dick?" Taehyung synced

"Both,let's get drunk"

"No,remember the last time we got drunk?" Tae whined

Jimin approached his best friend,placing his pointer on the other's lips

"Do you know how amazing angry sex is?Yoongi gets angry when drunk Jimmie teases him.Taehyung,let's get drunk" the boy winked


One(1) new message from: Babeboy
Private conversation

I'm wasterdf⛔⛔

Not again.Park Jimin get out of the bathroom

Make me ;)))


Alrightttty angry pantzzz


"Gosh Jimin i can't believe i had to carry you all the way home and embarrass myself in front of Taehyung and Jeongguk,promise me you won't drink again" the older whined,cupping his boyfriend's face

The said boy let a pout form on his doll like lips,eyes trailing towards Yoongi's own lips

"I wanted to have an excuse for us to you know...do stuff" he shrugged

"Baby you are drunk,I need sober Jimin first"

"N-no!I'm okay now,see?Ten plus ten equals twenty,square root of twenty five is five,eight times nine equals ninety two,please p-please just love me the way you used to,I really miss you" the youngest begged,mouth ghosting over his boyfriend's neck

"You're so adorable,eight times nine is seventy two" Yoongi chuckled

"Don' care,just let me at least make it up to you" he mumbled,now kissing the man's jaw

"Okay baby"

"Perfect daddy" Jimin smirked,pushing Yoongi's shoulders until his back hit the soft mattress

The male on top let his hands roam the other's body freely,enjoying every bit and curve of it.He loved Yoongi's chest the most,not because it was muscular or something...but because everytime Jimin touches it he can hear and feel a strong heartbeat,a heartbeat that he wants to feel every day for the rest of his life.

He believed Yoongi was his true love,the one that made life matter.The one that he fell in love with,the one that makes him the happiest man in the world.

"I love you" Jimin whispered,lacing his fingers with the other's

"I love you more" Yoongi added,fixing Jimin's hair so it wasn't in his eyes.

"And I'm so sorry for the whole letter thing,please forgive me.I love you too much,thank you for not breaking up with me" the youngers' now glossy eyes stared deep down into the olders'

"I-oh my gosh don't cry" the boys sat up,engulfing each other into a warming hug

"And I'm sorry for not listening to you,I really want to help you overcome your insecurities" Jimin felt Yoongi tense up,clearly taken aback by the subject

He locked his feelings deep down in his chest,promising not to set them free until it felt okay,until he felt he was listened.

But that happened to be right in that moment,because Yoongi squeezed his love tighter and let a single tear cascade down his right cheek.

One tear became another and another and another.

"Let it out love,I'm here for you" Jimin kissed his shoulder,rocking both of their bodies.


As always,thank you all for reading,voting and commenting on my book!!

This is ending soon,by the way :)

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