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The walk felt rather lonely than calming without a hand to hold onto,Yoongi thought.

The park wasn't full of people as usual,probably because of the winter temperature.

Holly sniffed and inspected every bit of grass,sometimes finding a little bug or a snail to have fun  with.

The man laughed at his cute peanut,then kneeled down to take off the pup's collar.

"Go play around peanut" the dog barked happily and ran around the playground.

Its owner found a bench and sat down,searching for his phone.


Yoongi forgot it at home.

He groaned internally,playing with the zipper of his black jacket.

Meanwhile at their home,Jimin struggled to find a good recipe online for his boyfriend.At least he could cook for him something.

Gathering the ingredients from a cabinet,the doorbell rang.

He ran to the door,ready to tackle yoongi into the biggest hug ever-

"Namjoon?" he asked,seeing the older standing in front of him with red eyes.

"Where's yoongi?"

"Somewhere at the park with holly,are you okay?"

"Oh.I'll wait for him outside"

"Don't be silly,come inside" jimin scoffed,pulling namjoon by the sleeve inside.

They sat down on the sofa,not saying a word.Namjoon looked at the ground.

"Are you mad at me?" The youngest asked

"I-no,I'm not mad at you"

Jimin felt like a rock had been lifted off of his heart.

"Thank you for understanding me,at least you are not mad at me.I am really sorry though" he smiled

"You could have told us about it,but I understand your reasons.I'm mad at myself" namjoon said

"Why on earth would you be mad at yourself?"

"Because-i was the one who tricked Seokjin"

"Oh cut the bullshit,it is not your fault.Did you fight?"

"Y-yeah,that's why I came here.Can you let me stay here for a few nights?"

"Of course,you can stay as much as you want.I think yoongi will agree also

"What about you two?Did you argue?"

Jimin thought.They didn't argue,right?

"I don't think so,he went on a walk to clear his mind and as an apology I want to cook him something,but I think I'll fail,haha" the youngest laughed

"I can help you"

"Wha-oh no,it's okay.You stay here and relax,I'll get you some tea"

"Jimin,let me help you.I'm starving and I cant let you ruin the dinner" Namjoon chuckled



Yoongi decided to come home after about 3 hours of freezing outside.

He definitely wasn't expecting to see his boyfriend and best friend drinking wine in the kitchen.

"What's happening here?"

"Oh,hi Yoongi" Namjoon said

"He fought with seokjin and needed a place to stay" Jimin came closer and whispered into Yoongi's ear

The older nodded in understanding,then sat down at the table.

"Let's eat.What did you make?"


Private conversation




I'm sorry for what I've done,please forgive me.

It s okay hyung,it was a silly thing.I am not mad at you,maybe a little bit sad because you used me.Are you and Namjoon okay?

I am so sorry!Uhm not really,we separated...hopefully it is just a break

I texted you because I feel like everybody else hates me...

Oh no,we cant hate you.You know what...how about you come over now and we can play Monopoly.

Just so you know ..Ggukie is a great player

Namjoon isn't there,right?




Yoongi,Jimin and Namjoon finished eating the delicious pasta and had another glass of wine.

"What should we do now?" Namjoon asked

"Let's visit someone" Jimin shrugged


"I can't believe Jin hyung beat me" Jeongguk pouted

"What can I say?I'm a pro" the oldest winked

"Yeah you are-"

A sudden knock at the door stopped the three.

"Go on,i'll go see who it is" Taehyung said

He ruffled his hair in order to look more appealing and unlocked the door.

"Namjoon?" Taehyung asked,eyeing the 3 men


This story will end soon hopefully :D

Winter break is here,thanks lord.

Again,I want to thank all of you for supporting my book,you make me extremely happy ;-;

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