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The two pairs arrived at Namjoon's house

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The two pairs arrived at Namjoon's house.The intense smell of food delighted their noses,all of them were hungry,especially Jimin and Yoongi since they didn't get the chance to eat that day.

Yoongi was familiar with Joon's place,he made himself comfortable on the red leather couch which sat in the center of the living room.Taehyung's eyes met a big fish tank.

"Woahhh"he awed,rushing to it like a kid.

Jimin and Jungkook sat silently in front of the door,waiting to be told what to do.Jungkook was starting to regret coming to that dinner,he didn't know any of those guys,except Taehyung,of course.

"Don't make me drag you,throw your shoes somewhere and come in" Namjoon chuckled

Jin joined Yoongi on the couch with a sigh,looking towards the two awkward boys,

"they are clearly bottoms",Jin stated,judging by their behavior

"Taehyung a top?No way" Yoongi looked at the said boy,he was boop ing the fish through the glass.

"Yoongs!" Jimin called for him from the kitchen

"I'm on call,gotta go" the blond lazily stood up and ruffled his hair before heading towards the kitchen

The men gathered into the small kitchen,each of them occupying a seat.

"Dig in" the oldest said

Everyone started eating.Jimin and Yoongi groaned out of satisfaction,they were finally eating.

"This is amazing,your food's yummy"Taehyung ate more,Namjoon giving him a secret thumbs up.

Everyone seemed to have a great time,Taehyung and Seokjin got along like nothing had happened between them.Namjoon finished his food first and washed his dishes,he didn't want his boyfriend to scold him,even if it was Namjoon's house.The men were cheerful,except Jungkook.He barely knew the said people and it was a bit awkward for him,since Taehyung decided to ignore him completely.

Honestly,the younger had a big crush on Taehyung,but played it cool.He didn't quite understand if Taehyung likes him back,the boy gave him mixed signals.

"Wine?" The oldest raised his brows and held up a bottle of alcohol

"Oh yeah" Jimin cheered


One(1) new message from: BabeBoy
Private conversation

Im wasterdf⛔️

Why're u texting?

beCAUsSe im wasterd

Jin's looking for you,get out of the bathroom

Make meee~😉😉😉😉


DamN papi let me pee first 😫

I'm not a papi Jimin wtf

:'(( yoongs

Yes Jimin

My zipper g0ne

You're wearing trousers,so no zipper.You know the drill,pull them down and do your job,you can't be that drunk

If zippers have teethd,why arent they biting!??

I'll make them bite your dck down if you don't exit the bathroom in the next  10 seconds


Private conversation
To: TAE💞

Can we go home?Text me,don't speak



You don't like my friends,right?

Im sorry for dragging u here

Nooooooo,dont be silly.It's just that I prefer spending time with you

Flirty flirty

Well I definitely can't flirt here

Ahsfw fine,I'll make up an excuse

"We should get going,it's really late"Taehyung scratched the back of his neck,holding Jungkook's hand

"Mkay,thanks for coming over" Jin gave them some left overs

"Actually,we're going too,Jimin needs to sleep asap" Yoongi watched as his boyfriend giggled all the way to him

They all put their shoes and coats on.

"Bye!!!" Taehyung and Jungkook synced

"Please don't make the zipper bite me there,it will hurt Yoongi.Remember when I cried because you-"

The drunk one didn't get to finish his sentence,he was escorted out of the house with a hand over his mouth.

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