mintyoon You're lucky you have Kakao.Did you really have to block me?
chimbun Yes.
mintyoon Don't period me with that " . "
chimbun You made me uncomfortable
mintyoon Sorry.I thought we got into that friendship stage where kink jokes are okay
mintyoon I started it first
chimbun Yeah okay.I forgive you
mintyoon Can u unblock me?I prefer texts
chimbun Yep
Jimin Hi
Yoongi Why are we so awkward rn?It makes me cringe
Jimin So you wanna meet in the park tomorrow?
Yoongi Yup,I'm free
Yoongi Send me a pic of you so I can recognize you tomorrow
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Jimin I look horrible sorry
Yoongi Jesus Christ you are holy [message not sent]
Jimin Your turn hyung
Yoongi I look too horrible to show you a picture,you'll see me tomorrow ;)
Jimin Stop giving me the winky face and send a picture.How am I supposed to know who's you?
Yoongi My hair's red and I'm pretty tan.I'll wear something blue probably.Holly is at my parents so I can't bring him too
Jimin Okay...I guess See you at 12 pm?
Yoongi Bitch that's when I wake up
Yoongi Sorry for swearing,didn't mean to.Let's meet at 1:30 pm,okay?
Jimin Okay,can't wait to look for a red haired tan man xDD Seen 11:30 pm
Yoongi chuckled slightly and put his phone on the nightstand thinking of Jimin.He couldn't wait to see the younger boy's reaction when he finds out how Yoongi really looks like.He's not old or something but he's surely not tan or red haired and just the thought of wearing something blue made him gag.He covers himself with the blanket and curls into a ball,significantly missing his dog's presence. - Jimin,on the other hand,decided to stay awake a little longer,his already tired eyes watching an episode of his favourite anime,the laptop screen being the only light in his pitch dark room. The younger began thinking of Yoongi and without even realizing he stops the episode and opens another Naver tab,Toy Poodle 101.He promised to help his hyung with Holly so he has to search some information...right?