To worry is to suffer twice

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Warning; mentions of torture and wounds etc. No torture scenes actually included in the story; I promise.

Newt had gotten the news from Travers himself. The Head of Magical Law Enforcement had called Newt to his office shortly after lunch. Newt had no idea why... Usually Travers would only call upon his brother. He nervously entered the office and closed the door behind him.

'Is something wrong, sir?' Newt asked, his voice shaking with nerves.

'Sit down, Scamander.'

Newt quickly sat down in a chair across the man's desk. He couldn't really decipher Travers' tone of voice. It didn't have the usually finality to it, almost sounding worried.

'I'm sorry to say this, Scamander, but as you know your brother was on an undercover mission the past couple of days.' A fear crept up Newt's back as Travers spoke. 'He was set to return this morning. Instead we found a note saying that your brother would pay for his actions against the greater good...'

Newt gasped and took a shaky breath. 'Oh Merlin... no...' Newt whispered. 'Grindelwald has him?'

Travers shook his head. 'I doubt it is Grindelwald himself. The man is far too cunning and careful to take such a rash action against the ministry. I suspect a few of his followers made the decision on their own, but I assume Grindelwald will know about it soon.'

Newt fought to not let himself give into the fear engulfing him. He fought back the shaking and the tears. After capturing Grindelwald in New York, they had found Director Graves, and Newt had gotten a rather good impression of what Grindelwald (and likely his followers as well) did to prisoners.

'Sir... We have to save him.'

Travers nodded. 'I agree, if Grindelwald tortures him into spilling our secrets, we are done for.'

Newt's face contorted, a look of disbelief mixed with pure fury taking over. 'That's it then? The only reason you want to save him is to save your own skin. Would you even try to save my brother if it wasn't for that?' Newt's voice raised against his better judgement.

'No. Saving him will be a risky mission and we don't have the luxury of risking Aurors for a single man, unless leaving him in the enemy's clutches poses a greater risk.'

Newt quickly stood up, knocking the chair over in the process. 'Well, it's a good thing for my brother then that he is important. I understand that we are in a difficult time, sir, but it seems that you value human lives about as highly as Grindelwald if you believe this situation validates leaving people to suffer in the clutches of evil.'

He stormed out of the room before Travers could tell him anything else and hurried down the corridors to Tina's office. As he opened the door, he saw Tina and her partner get ready for a mission. She looked up and caught Newt's eye.

'Newt!' She walked over to him and took his hand. 'Newt, I'm so sorry.'

'You know?'

Tina nodded. 'We're being dispatched to save him. I promise I won't give up until we get him out of there.' Newt nodded thankfully, finally letting a few tears slip out of his eyes. 'He'll be okay, Newt. It'll all be okay. I won't leave Theseus in Grindelwald's hands. We'll be back before you know it.'

It took the aurors 3 days before they returned to the ministry with a very battered and damaged Theseus. 3 long days filled with worry and sleepless nights for Newt as images of what could happen to his brother flashed through his mind. The Aurors apparated into the atrium, just as Newt happened to be walking by. It only took him a split second to realize who had appeared and ran over to his brother.

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